Hvass-Labs / TensorFlow-Tutorials

TensorFlow Tutorials with YouTube Videos

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Image Caption works poorly

ThatNight opened this issue · comments

I run according to the tutorial, the result is very poor, can not reach the effect of the tutorial, what should I do? need help

Can you tell me what the solution is? What are the reasons for the occurrence of repetitions?

How can you expect me to diagnose the problem with the short message you wrote? If you are running the tutorial exactly like it is in my repository, and you don't make any changes at all, then perhaps it is because you haven't trained it long enough. It has been a long time since I made this tutorial, so I can't remember how long it took for me to train it, but I'm guessing you probably need several hours on a decent GPU - maybe even 10 hours or more.

Why is it that training for more than ten hours is still so bad? Is 0.64 loss OK?

You expect too much from me. It has probably been more than 1.5 years since I made this and I have done a lot of work since then, and I have a lot of work to do now. You can't expect me to know what is going wrong for you here. But if you find the problem then please write it in this thread so it can help others in the future. Normally when people are having problems with these tutorials, it is because they have made some change they have forgotten, or maybe there is a problem with the dataset.