HubTou / FileFixer

A Python+Tkinter portable Apple ][ DiskFixer/Disk Edit clone for files instead of disks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A long time ago, on the Apple ][, there was a famous utility for editing disks, for example for modifying games saves (adding lives!), or removing disk protections (performing the allowed "anti-coffee" copy):

  • It was known as DISKFIXER, (C) 1980, The Image Producers, Inc., A Quicksilver Softsystems utility.
  • And later as DISK EDIT, (C) 1985, The Software Factory, Inc. (in which the help function still mentioned DISKFIXER, and the user interface was almost identical, so I assume it was a direct successor).

40+ years later, I needed an idea for testing Tkinter GUIs for Python applications. Having just remade the Unix strings utility, I thought of re-implementing my beloved DiskFixer.

So here's a first partial version:

  • it has fully functional view modes
  • but it still lacks the edit functions (that I'll implement in 2022)

A screen capture of FileFixer

I'll also:

  • provide a Python Package for easy install
  • an internationalized version with at least French and English languages

So far, the following commands have been implemented:

 [DOWN/RIGHT ARROW] Next chunk of file.
 [UP/LEFT ARROW]    Previous chunk of file.
 [A] ASCII characters view mode.
 [B] Mode ASCII-hexa (half screen each).
 [H] Hexadecimal bytes view mode.

 [N] Toggle hexa/decimal numbering.
 [Q] Quit the FileFixer to monitor.
 [S] Select a new file (modified from the original "Slot and drive specification").
 [Y] Toggle ASCII filter.
 [CTRL-H] <===> [LEFT ARROW] Key
 [CTRL-J] <===> [DOWN ARROW] Key
 [CTRL-K] <===> [UP ARROW] Key
 [CTRL-Q] <===> [Q] Key
 [CTRL-U] <===> [RIGHT ARROW] Key

 [!] Cycle colors (from green, amber, gray, inverted gray monitors)

You can try the original versions with the excellent AppleWin Apple ][ emulator.


A Python+Tkinter portable Apple ][ DiskFixer/Disk Edit clone for files instead of disks

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%