HubSpot / hubspot-api-php

HubSpot API PHP Client Libraries for V3 version of the API

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how to filter with "OR"

lsmith77 opened this issue · comments

I am trying to find users based on their email. Now it seems like email or hs_additional_emails can contain the given email.

it seems however that the SDK defaults to AND filters and I don't see how to do an OR filter

$filter = new HubSpotFilter();

$filterAdditional = new HubSpotFilter();

$filterGroup = new HubSpotFilterGroup();
$filterGroup->setFilters([$filter, $filterAdditional]);

Hi @lsmith77
When multiple filters are present within a filterGroup, they'll be combined using a logical AND operator.
When multiple filterGroups are included in the request body, they'll be combined using a logical OR operator.
Workable example:

$hubspot = Factory::createWithAccessToken('*');

$theFirstFilter = new Filter([
    'value' => '',
    'property_name' => 'email',
    'operator' => Filter::OPERATOR_EQ

$theFirstFilterGroup = new FilterGroup(['filters' => [$theFirstFilter]]);

$theSecondFilter = new Filter([
    'value' => '',
    'property_name' => 'work_email',
    'operator' => Filter::OPERATOR_EQ

$theSecondFilterGroup = new FilterGroup(['filters' => [$theSecondFilter]]);

$request = new PublicObjectSearchRequest(['filter_groups' => [$theFirstFilterGroup, $theSecondFilterGroup]]);
