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【codewars】Math Issues

HuangXiZhou opened this issue · comments


Oh no, our Math object was "accidently" reset. Can you re-implement some of those functions? We can assure, that only non-negative numbers are passed as arguments. So you don't have to consider things like undefined, null, NaN, negative numbers, strings and so on.

Here is a list of functions, we need:

  • Math.round()
  • Math.ceil()
  • Math.floor()


手动实现 Math.round() Math.ceil() 以及 Math.floor() 方法


  1. 利用正则匹配整数及小数位
  2. 进行判断,返回数值


// 四舍五入
Math.round = function(number) {
  const Integer = +number.toString().match(/^[1-9]\d*|0$/)
  const decimals = +number.toString().match(/\.\d*[1-9]\d*$/)
  return decimals < 0.5 
          ? Integer
          : Integer + 1

// 向上取整
Math.ceil = function(number) {
  const Integer = +number.toString().match(/^[1-9]\d*|0$/)
  const decimals = +number.toString().match(/\.\d*[1-9]\d*$/)
  return decimals === 0 
          ? Integer
          : Integer + 1

// 向下取整
Math.floor = function(number) {
  return Integer = +number.toString().match(/^[1-9]\d*|0$/)


Math.round = function(number) {
  return (number - parseInt(number) >= 0.5) ? parseInt(number) + 1 : parseInt(number) ;

Math.ceil = function(number) {
  return (parseInt(number) === number) ? number : parseInt(number) + 1;

Math.floor = function(number) {
  return parseInt(number);


最佳代码使用 parseInt() 方法取得整数位,通过判断相减得到的小数位来返回相应的结果