HriThik-MaNoj / LazySql

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


LazySql is an open-source tool designed for SQL injection testing. It offers robust functionality and is built to work effectively against high-security Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) like Kona Defender, Cloudflare, Envoy, and others

.____                           _________      .__   
|    |   _____  ___________.__./   _____/ _____|  |  
|    |   \__  \ \___   <   |  |\_____  \ / ____/  |  
|    |___ / __ \_/    / \___  |/        < <_|  |  |__
|_______ (____  /_____ \/ ____/_______  /\__   |____/
        \/    \/      \/\/            \/    |__| 

NB:Tool will be public available soon staying tune


License:GNU General Public License v3.0