Hopson97 / rusty-gl

Wrapper over gl-rs, to make code look more like Rust and less like C while still having classical OpenGL control as you would in C

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Add continuous integration testing?

evanandrewrose opened this issue · comments


Great library. I had the same idea and was about to put this together, but saw that you already beat me to it, so I'll contribute here instead. It looks like the examples aren't running anymore because of breaking glutin changes (glutin = "*"). I'll make a pull request for fixing the examples.

Would you be interested in adding Travis CI (or something similar)? If you haven't before, it's free and really easy and will help mitigate these types of breakages.

Thank you for the interest! I'll see about adding Travis CI support now

I think I have it set up, not entirely sure though.

https://github.com/Hopson97/rusty-gl/blob/master/README.md Build fails :(

Not sure how to fix these "gl function was not loaded" errors.

I don't think there's any good way to prevent those panics besides just disabling the running of those example docs (cargo test --all executes them by default). I believe you'd otherwise have to create a glutin (or other) context and load the gl functions, which would bloat the examples. #5 will just disable running them.