Hopding / pdf-lib

Create and modify PDF documents in any JavaScript environment

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How to create a table of contents (document outline)?

Johann-S opened this issue · comments

Hi @Hopding,

Again thanks for your awesome lib 👍

Do you think it's possible to create a table of contents in a PDF with your libs ? If it's possible I would love to see how to do that.

Thanks 👍

BTW you should add a way to support your work 😉

Hello @Johann-S!

I'm not sure what precisely you mean by "table of contents". You can certainly write out some text on a page to outline the contents of your document. Are you wanting to do something more than that?

Yep some PDF have a table of contents inside them, but not on a separate page, sometimes it's called signets too

You mean like this?
Screen Shot 2019-06-16 at 7 22 26 AM

Yep exactly !

Yes, this is definitely possible to do. As with page links, pdf-lib doesn't have a high level API for it yet. So it requires a bit of lower-level code. But it works all the same!

I created an example script to demonstrate how to do it. Here's the resulting PDF, along with a screenshot previewing the outline panel: with_outline.pdf
Screen Shot 2019-06-16 at 7 52 26 AM

And here's the script itself:

// ...imports omitted...

const PAGE_WIDTH = 500;
const PAGE_HEIGHT = 750;

const getPageRefs = (pdfDoc) => {
  const refs = [];
  pdfDoc.catalog.Pages.traverse((kid, ref) => {
    if (kid instanceof PDFPage) refs.push(ref);
  return refs;

const createOutlineItem = (pdfDoc, title, parent, nextOrPrev, page, isLast = false) =>
      Title: PDFString.fromString(title),
      Parent: parent,
      [isLast ? 'Prev' : 'Next']: nextOrPrev,
      Dest: PDFArray.fromArray(

const pdfDoc = PDFDocumentFactory.create();

const [fontRef, font] = pdfDoc.embedStandardFont(StandardFonts.Helvetica);

const contentStream1 = pdfDoc.register(
    drawText(font.encodeText('PAGE 1'), {
      font: 'Helvetica',
      size: 50,
      x: 175,
      y: PAGE_HEIGHT - 100,
const contentStream2 = pdfDoc.register(
    drawText(font.encodeText('PAGE 2'), {
      font: 'Helvetica',
      size: 50,
      x: 175,
      y: PAGE_HEIGHT - 100,
const contentStream3 = pdfDoc.register(
    drawText(font.encodeText('PAGE 3'), {
      font: 'Helvetica',
      size: 50,
      x: 175,
      y: PAGE_HEIGHT - 100,

const page1 = pdfDoc
  .createPage([PAGE_WIDTH, PAGE_HEIGHT])
  .addFontDictionary('Helvetica', fontRef)
const page2 = pdfDoc
  .createPage([PAGE_WIDTH, PAGE_HEIGHT])
  .addFontDictionary('Helvetica', fontRef)
const page3 = pdfDoc
  .createPage([PAGE_WIDTH, PAGE_HEIGHT])
  .addFontDictionary('Helvetica', fontRef)


const pageRefs = getPageRefs(pdfDoc);

const outlinesDictRef = pdfDoc.index.nextObjectNumber();
const outlineItem1Ref = pdfDoc.index.nextObjectNumber();
const outlineItem2Ref = pdfDoc.index.nextObjectNumber();
const outlineItem3Ref = pdfDoc.index.nextObjectNumber();

const outlineItem1 = createOutlineItem(
  'Page 1',

const outlineItem2 = createOutlineItem(
  'Page 2',

const outlineItem3 = createOutlineItem(
  'Page 3',

const outlinesDict = PDFDictionary.from(
    Type: PDFName.from('Outlines'),
    First: outlineItem1Ref,
    Last: outlineItem3Ref,
    Count: PDFNumber.fromNumber(3),

pdfDoc.index.assign(outlinesDictRef, outlinesDict);
pdfDoc.index.assign(outlineItem1Ref, outlineItem1);
pdfDoc.index.assign(outlineItem2Ref, outlineItem2);
pdfDoc.index.assign(outlineItem3Ref, outlineItem3);

pdfDoc.catalog.set('Outlines', outlinesDictRef);

const pdfBytes = PDFDocumentWriter.saveToBytes(pdfDoc);

fs.writeFileSync('./with_outline.pdf', pdfBytes);

This is, of course, a very simple document outline without any nesting. If you'd like to create something more complex, with multiple nested levels, you can certainly do so. However, I'll refer you to section 12.3.3 Document Outline and annex H.6 Outline Hierarchy Example of the PDF specification for the details.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any additional questions!

Thanks @Hopding you're a PDF expert 👍

Hi @Hopding - seems to me this example might be based on an older version of pdf-lib? Could you let me know what changes I should think about for using with the latest version?

Hi @Hopding - seems to me this example might be based on an older version of pdf-lib? Could you let me know what changes I should think about for using with the latest version?

@jackwshepherd, I was facing the same problem, but this JS lib still seems to be the best for my needs. Did some deep inspecting of the current code and compared it to the older versions and managed to update @Hopding's solution.

Do pardon me if my code is inefficient as I'm still quite new to JS and I'm writing code to be run in Electron.

const { PDFDocument, PDFPageLeaf, PDFDict, PDFString, PDFArray, PDFName, PDFNull, PDFNumber, } = require("pdf-lib");
const fs = require("fs");

async function creatOutlines() {
const doc = await PDFDocument.load(
    fs.readFileSync("##YOUR CURRENT FILE NAME##")

const getPageRefs = (pdfDoc) => {
    const refs = [];
    pdfDoc.catalog.Pages().traverse((kid, ref) => {
    if (kid instanceof PDFPageLeaf) refs.push(ref);
    return refs;
//(PDFDocument, string, PDFRef, PDFRef, PDFRef, boolean)
const createOutlineItem = (pdfDoc, title, parent, nextOrPrev, page, isLast = false) => {
    let array = PDFArray.withContext(pdfDoc.context);
    const map = new Map();
    map.set(PDFName.Title, PDFString.of(title));
    map.set(PDFName.Parent, parent);
    map.set(PDFName.of(isLast ? "Prev" : "Next"), nextOrPrev);
    map.set(PDFName.of("Dest"), array);

    return PDFDict.fromMapWithContext(map, pdfDoc.context);

const pageRefs = getPageRefs(doc);

const outlinesDictRef = doc.context.nextRef(); 
const outlineItem1Ref = doc.context.nextRef();
const outlineItem2Ref = doc.context.nextRef();
const outlineItem3Ref = doc.context.nextRef();

const outlineItem1 = createOutlineItem(
    "Page 1",

const outlineItem2 = createOutlineItem(
    "Page 2",

const outlineItem3 = createOutlineItem(
    "Page 3",

const outlinesDictMap = new Map();
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.Type, PDFName.of("Outlines"));
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("First"), outlineItem1Ref);
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("Last"), outlineItem3Ref);
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("Count"), PDFNumber.of(3)); //This is a count of the number of outline items. Should be changed for X no. of outlines

//Pointing the "Outlines" property of the PDF's "Catalog" to the first object of your outlines

const outlinesDict = PDFDict.fromMapWithContext(outlinesDictMap, doc.context);

//First 'Outline' object. Refer to table H.3 in Annex H.6 of PDF Specification doc.
doc.context.assign(outlinesDictRef, outlinesDict);

//Actual outline items that will be displayed
doc.context.assign(outlineItem1Ref, outlineItem1);
doc.context.assign(outlineItem2Ref, outlineItem2);
doc.context.assign(outlineItem3Ref, outlineItem3);

const file = await doc.save();

fs.writeFileSync("##YOUR DESTINATION FILE NAME##", file);


It is a lot of work for 3 outlines. I will be working on nested outlines and I'd need that. Happy to share with anyone that might need it when I'm done with that.

Hi @Hopding - seems to me this example might be based on an older version of pdf-lib? Could you let me know what changes I should think about for using with the latest version?

@jackwshepherd, I was facing the same problem, but this JS lib still seems to be the best for my needs. Did some deep inspecting of the current code and compared it to the older versions and managed to update @Hopding's solution.

Do pardon me if my code is inefficient as I'm still quite new to JS and I'm writing code to be run in Electron.

const { PDFDocument, PDFPageLeaf, PDFDict, PDFString, PDFArray, PDFName, PDFNull, PDFNumber, } = require("pdf-lib");
const fs = require("fs");

async function creatOutlines() {
const doc = await PDFDocument.load(
    fs.readFileSync("##YOUR CURRENT FILE NAME##")

const getPageRefs = (pdfDoc) => {
    const refs = [];
    pdfDoc.catalog.Pages().traverse((kid, ref) => {
    if (kid instanceof PDFPageLeaf) refs.push(ref);
    return refs;
//(PDFDocument, string, PDFRef, PDFRef, PDFRef, boolean)
const createOutlineItem = (pdfDoc, title, parent, nextOrPrev, page, isLast = false) => {
    let array = PDFArray.withContext(pdfDoc.context);
    const map = new Map();
    map.set(PDFName.Title, PDFString.of(title));
    map.set(PDFName.Parent, parent);
    map.set(PDFName.of(isLast ? "Prev" : "Next"), nextOrPrev);
    map.set(PDFName.of("Dest"), array);

    return PDFDict.fromMapWithContext(map, pdfDoc.context);

const pageRefs = getPageRefs(doc);

const outlinesDictRef = doc.context.nextRef(); 
const outlineItem1Ref = doc.context.nextRef();
const outlineItem2Ref = doc.context.nextRef();
const outlineItem3Ref = doc.context.nextRef();

const outlineItem1 = createOutlineItem(
    "Page 1",

const outlineItem2 = createOutlineItem(
    "Page 2",

const outlineItem3 = createOutlineItem(
    "Page 3",

const outlinesDictMap = new Map();
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.Type, PDFName.of("Outlines"));
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("First"), outlineItem1Ref);
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("Last"), outlineItem3Ref);
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("Count"), PDFNumber.of(3)); //This is a count of the number of outline items. Should be changed for X no. of outlines

//Pointing the "Outlines" property of the PDF's "Catalog" to the first object of your outlines

const outlinesDict = PDFDict.fromMapWithContext(outlinesDictMap, doc.context);

//First 'Outline' object. Refer to table H.3 in Annex H.6 of PDF Specification doc.
doc.context.assign(outlinesDictRef, outlinesDict);

//Actual outline items that will be displayed
doc.context.assign(outlineItem1Ref, outlineItem1);
doc.context.assign(outlineItem2Ref, outlineItem2);
doc.context.assign(outlineItem3Ref, outlineItem3);

const file = await doc.save();

fs.writeFileSync("##YOUR DESTINATION FILE NAME##", file);


It is a lot of work for 3 outlines. I will be working on nested outlines and I'd need that. Happy to share with anyone that might need it when I'm done with that.

I tried adopting your code and allowing a merge of n numbers of PDFs, with the option of adding a bookmark for each PDF with a specified name passed through an argument to command line. Code is as follows. Two bookmarks only are added (out of the expected 4 in the demo I was running), and they both had the same title. Any ideas where i've gone wrong?

const { PDFDocument, PDFPageLeaf, PDFDict, PDFString, PDFArray, PDFName, PDFNull, PDFNumber, StandardFonts, rgb } = require('pdf-lib');
const fs = require('fs');
const parameters = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));

var mergeFiles = parameters["a"];
var mergeFLength = mergeFiles.length;
var bookMarkDescs = parameters["ab"];
var buffers = [];
var bookmarkPages = [];
var outlineItemArr = [];
var outlineItemRefsArr = [];
var pageCount = 0;

const getPageRefs = (pdfDoc) => {
    const refs = [];
    pdfDoc.catalog.Pages().traverse((kid, ref) => {
    if (kid instanceof PDFPageLeaf) refs.push(ref);
    return refs;

const createOutlineItem = (pdfDoc, title, parent, nextOrPrev, page, isLast = false) => {
    let array = PDFArray.withContext(pdfDoc.context);
    const map = new Map();
    map.set(PDFName.Title, PDFString.of(title));
    map.set(PDFName.Parent, parent);
    map.set(PDFName.of(isLast ? "Prev" : "Next"), nextOrPrev);
    map.set(PDFName.of("Dest"), array);

    return PDFDict.fromMapWithContext(map, pdfDoc.context);

for (var i = 0; i < mergeFLength; i++){	
	var fileBuffer = fs.readFileSync(mergeFiles[i]);

if(buffers.length != 0){
	var output_file = mergePDFDocuments(buffers);

async function mergePDFDocuments(documents) {
	const mergedPdf = await PDFDocument.create();

	for (let document of documents) {
		document = await PDFDocument.load(document);
		if(bookmarkPages.length == 0){
			pageCount = pageCount + document.getPageCount();
		} else {
			pageCount = pageCount + document.getPageCount();
		const copiedPages = await mergedPdf.copyPages(document, document.getPageIndices());
		copiedPages.forEach((page) => mergedPdf.addPage(page));    
	var references = getPageRefs(mergedPdf);	
	const outlinesDictRef = mergedPdf.context.nextRef(); 
	for (var y = 0; y < bookmarkPages.length; y++){	
		var pdf_reference = references[bookmarkPages[y]];
		var bookmark_title = bookMarkDescs[y];
		var outlineItemRef = mergedPdf.context.nextRef();
		if(bookmarkPages[bookmarkPages.length - 1] === bookmarkPages[y]){
			console.log("last value");
			var outlineItem_last = createOutlineItem(mergedPdf, bookmark_title, outlinesDictRef, outlineItemRef, pdf_reference, true);	
		} else {
			var outlineItem = createOutlineItem(mergedPdf, bookmark_title, outlinesDictRef, outlineItemRef, pdf_reference);		
	var outlinesDictMap = new Map();
	var countOfBookmarks = outlineItemArr.length;
	var firstBookmark = outlineItemArr[0];
	var lastBookmark = outlineItemArr[countOfBookmarks-1];
	outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.Type, PDFName.of("Outlines"));
	outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("First"), firstBookmark);
	outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("Last"), lastBookmark);
	outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("Count"), PDFNumber.of(countOfBookmarks));	
	for (var z = 0; z < bookmarkPages.length; z++){	
		mergedPdf.context.assign(outlineItemRefsArr[z], outlineItemArr[z]);

	const outlinesDict = PDFDict.fromMapWithContext(outlinesDictMap, mergedPdf.context);

	mergedPdf.context.assign(outlinesDictRef, outlinesDict);	

	fs.writeFileSync('output_merge.pdf', await mergedPdf.save());

@Resurg3nt @feodormak @jackwshepherd @Hopding @Johann-S
I created a module that has a high level api and uses pdf-lib to add outline to outline-less pdfs. You can find it here.

Hi @Hopding - seems to me this example might be based on an older version of pdf-lib? Could you let me know what changes I should think about for using with the latest version?

@jackwshepherd, I was facing the same problem, but this JS lib still seems to be the best for my needs. Did some deep inspecting of the current code and compared it to the older versions and managed to update @Hopding's solution.

Do pardon me if my code is inefficient as I'm still quite new to JS and I'm writing code to be run in Electron.

const { PDFDocument, PDFPageLeaf, PDFDict, PDFString, PDFArray, PDFName, PDFNull, PDFNumber, } = require("pdf-lib");
const fs = require("fs");

async function creatOutlines() {
const doc = await PDFDocument.load(
    fs.readFileSync("##YOUR CURRENT FILE NAME##")

const getPageRefs = (pdfDoc) => {
    const refs = [];
    pdfDoc.catalog.Pages().traverse((kid, ref) => {
    if (kid instanceof PDFPageLeaf) refs.push(ref);
    return refs;
//(PDFDocument, string, PDFRef, PDFRef, PDFRef, boolean)
const createOutlineItem = (pdfDoc, title, parent, nextOrPrev, page, isLast = false) => {
    let array = PDFArray.withContext(pdfDoc.context);
    const map = new Map();
    map.set(PDFName.Title, PDFString.of(title));
    map.set(PDFName.Parent, parent);
    map.set(PDFName.of(isLast ? "Prev" : "Next"), nextOrPrev);
    map.set(PDFName.of("Dest"), array);

    return PDFDict.fromMapWithContext(map, pdfDoc.context);

const pageRefs = getPageRefs(doc);

const outlinesDictRef = doc.context.nextRef(); 
const outlineItem1Ref = doc.context.nextRef();
const outlineItem2Ref = doc.context.nextRef();
const outlineItem3Ref = doc.context.nextRef();

const outlineItem1 = createOutlineItem(
    "Page 1",

const outlineItem2 = createOutlineItem(
    "Page 2",

const outlineItem3 = createOutlineItem(
    "Page 3",

const outlinesDictMap = new Map();
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.Type, PDFName.of("Outlines"));
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("First"), outlineItem1Ref);
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("Last"), outlineItem3Ref);
outlinesDictMap.set(PDFName.of("Count"), PDFNumber.of(3)); //This is a count of the number of outline items. Should be changed for X no. of outlines

//Pointing the "Outlines" property of the PDF's "Catalog" to the first object of your outlines

const outlinesDict = PDFDict.fromMapWithContext(outlinesDictMap, doc.context);

//First 'Outline' object. Refer to table H.3 in Annex H.6 of PDF Specification doc.
doc.context.assign(outlinesDictRef, outlinesDict);

//Actual outline items that will be displayed
doc.context.assign(outlineItem1Ref, outlineItem1);
doc.context.assign(outlineItem2Ref, outlineItem2);
doc.context.assign(outlineItem3Ref, outlineItem3);

const file = await doc.save();

fs.writeFileSync("##YOUR DESTINATION FILE NAME##", file);


It is a lot of work for 3 outlines. I will be working on nested outlines and I'd need that. Happy to share with anyone that might need it when I'm done with that.

I want to set the position of link XYZ , like x=0 y= 3 z=0 what should i do?

for (var y = 0; y < bookmarkPages.length; y++){
var pdf_reference = references[bookmarkPages[y]];
var bookmark_title = bookMarkDescs[y];
var outlineItemRef = mergedPdf.context.nextRef();
if(bookmarkPages[bookmarkPages.length - 1] === bookmarkPages[y]){
console.log("last value");
var outlineItem_last = createOutlineItem(mergedPdf, bookmark_title, outlinesDictRef, outlineItemRef, pdf_reference, true);
} else {
var outlineItem = createOutlineItem(mergedPdf, bookmark_title, outlinesDictRef, outlineItemRef, pdf_reference);

You are not doing this right. I had the same issue, You are not mapping the item references correctly.

Check my implementation for the above lines of code. Hope this helps.

const outlinesDictRef = mergedPdf.context.nextRef();
let outlineItemRef = mergedPdf.context.nextRef();
let outlineNextItemRef = mergedPdf.context.nextRef();
let outlinePrevItemRef = Object.assign({},outlinesDictRef);
pageIndexes = pageIndexes.map((p, i) => {

                let result =  {
                    outlineItem: createOutlineItem(
                        i === (pageIndexes.length - 1)
                    outlineItemRef: outlineItemRef,
                    isLast: i === (pageIndexes.length - 1)
                if(i === (pageIndexes.length - 1)) // last page
                    outlineItemRef = Object.assign({},outlineNextItemRef);
                    outlineNextItemRef = Object.assign({},outlinePrevItemRef);
                    outlinePrevItemRef = Object.assign({},outlineItemRef);
                    outlineItemRef = Object.assign({},outlineNextItemRef);
                    outlineNextItemRef =  mergedPdf.context.nextRef();
                return result;

See a better implementation here:

The function you are looking for is setOutline with the following prototype:

async function setOutline(doc: PDFDocument, outlines: readonly PDFOutline[])

See a better implementation here: https://github.com/marp-team/marp-cli/blob/9e0eff5f9d9530577458e93769cd2b0000958a7d/src/utils/pdf.ts

The function you are looking for is setOutline with the following prototype:

async function setOutline(doc: PDFDocument, outlines: readonly PDFOutline[])

Hi thanks for your good implementation! I tried to use your pdf.ts and setOutline to assign some bookmarks into my pdf, the bookmarks link work well to be able to be clicked and jump to the right pages, but the only issue is that the bookmark titles all seem to be totally invisible like transparent in my adobe pdf reviewer(i tried different reviewers,wps or chrome browser, and none of them can show the textual title for any bookmark that has been added in the pdf..), below is my code, I was wondering could you please help me find the reason of the issue, thanks!

import { PDFDocument, PDFRef, rgb } from 'pdf-lib';
import {setOutline, PDFOutline} from './pdf';
async addPageNumbersAndContentsIndexToPDF1() {

const { PDFDocument, rgb } = require('pdf-lib');
// const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(pdfBuffer);

const uint8Array = fs.readFileSync('123.pdf')
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(uint8Array)
const font = await pdfDoc.embedFont('Helvetica'); 

const pages = pdfDoc.getPages();
const outlines: PDFOutline[] = []; // Create an empty outlines array

for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
  const pageIndex = i + 1;
  const page = pages[i];
  const { width, height } = page.getSize();

  // Add visible "Page X" text to the top of each page
  // as page numbers
  page.drawText(`Page ${pageIndex}`, {
    x: width / 2 - 40,  // adjust as per requirements
    y: height - 30,     // adjust to place text at top
    size: 12,
    font: font,
    color: rgb(0, 0, 0),

  // Create an outline for each page
    to: i,
    italic: true,
    bold: true,

// Add the outlines to the PDF document
await setOutline(pdfDoc, outlines);

const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();

fs.writeFileSync("pdf.pdf", pdfBytes);
return Buffer.from(pdfBytes);


See a better implementation here: https://github.com/marp-team/marp-cli/blob/9e0eff5f9d9530577458e93769cd2b0000958a7d/src/utils/pdf.ts
The function you are looking for is setOutline with the following prototype:

async function setOutline(doc: PDFDocument, outlines: readonly PDFOutline[])

Hi thanks for your good implementation! I tried to use your pdf.ts and setOutline to assign some bookmarks into my pdf, the bookmarks link work well to be able to be clicked and jump to the right pages, but the only issue is that the bookmark titles all seem to be totally invisible like transparent in my adobe pdf reviewer(i tried different reviewers,wps or chrome browser, and none of them can show the textual title for any bookmark that has been added in the pdf..), below is my code, I was wondering could you please help me find the reason of the issue, thanks!

import { PDFDocument, PDFRef, rgb } from 'pdf-lib'; import {setOutline, PDFOutline} from './pdf'; async addPageNumbersAndContentsIndexToPDF1() {

const { PDFDocument, rgb } = require('pdf-lib');
// const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(pdfBuffer);

const uint8Array = fs.readFileSync('123.pdf')
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(uint8Array)
const font = await pdfDoc.embedFont('Helvetica'); 

const pages = pdfDoc.getPages();
const outlines: PDFOutline[] = []; // Create an empty outlines array

for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
  const pageIndex = i + 1;
  const page = pages[i];
  const { width, height } = page.getSize();

  // Add visible "Page X" text to the top of each page
  // as page numbers
  page.drawText(`Page ${pageIndex}`, {
    x: width / 2 - 40,  // adjust as per requirements
    y: height - 30,     // adjust to place text at top
    size: 12,
    font: font,
    color: rgb(0, 0, 0),

  // Create an outline for each page
    to: i,
    italic: true,
    bold: true,

// Add the outlines to the PDF document
await setOutline(pdfDoc, outlines);

const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();

fs.writeFileSync("pdf.pdf", pdfBytes);
return Buffer.from(pdfBytes);


oh, never mind, I figured out, since I didn't import pdf-lib library packages from the internal code... thanks.

See a better implementation here: https://github.com/marp-team/marp-cli/blob/9e0eff5f9d9530577458e93769cd2b0000958a7d/src/utils/pdf.ts
The function you are looking for is setOutline with the following prototype:

async function setOutline(doc: PDFDocument, outlines: readonly PDFOutline[])

Hi thanks for your good implementation! I tried to use your pdf.ts and setOutline to assign some bookmarks into my pdf, the bookmarks link work well to be able to be clicked and jump to the right pages, but the only issue is that the bookmark titles all seem to be totally invisible like transparent in my adobe pdf reviewer(i tried different reviewers,wps or chrome browser, and none of them can show the textual title for any bookmark that has been added in the pdf..), below is my code, I was wondering could you please help me find the reason of the issue, thanks!
import { PDFDocument, PDFRef, rgb } from 'pdf-lib'; import {setOutline, PDFOutline} from './pdf'; async addPageNumbersAndContentsIndexToPDF1() {

const { PDFDocument, rgb } = require('pdf-lib');
// const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(pdfBuffer);

const uint8Array = fs.readFileSync('123.pdf')
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(uint8Array)
const font = await pdfDoc.embedFont('Helvetica'); 

const pages = pdfDoc.getPages();
const outlines: PDFOutline[] = []; // Create an empty outlines array

for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
  const pageIndex = i + 1;
  const page = pages[i];
  const { width, height } = page.getSize();

  // Add visible "Page X" text to the top of each page
  // as page numbers
  page.drawText(`Page ${pageIndex}`, {
    x: width / 2 - 40,  // adjust as per requirements
    y: height - 30,     // adjust to place text at top
    size: 12,
    font: font,
    color: rgb(0, 0, 0),

  // Create an outline for each page
    to: i,
    italic: true,
    bold: true,

// Add the outlines to the PDF document
await setOutline(pdfDoc, outlines);

const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();

fs.writeFileSync("pdf.pdf", pdfBytes);
return Buffer.from(pdfBytes);


oh, never mind, I figured out, since I didn't import pdf-lib library packages from the internal code... thanks.

Can you please help me with this implementation i'm kind of stuck

Can you share a working repo in nodejs that will help me a lot @yekaiLiu2022 @devnoname120


Can you share a working repo in nodejs that will help me a lot @yekaiLiu2022 @devnoname120

I implemented an example using node.

To demonstrate generality, I used additional libraries to generate a PDF and successfully added bookmarks/outlines.

Thanks for the awesome lib 👍

See a better implementation here: https://github.com/marp-team/marp-cli/blob/9e0eff5f9d9530577458e93769cd2b0000958a7d/src/utils/pdf.ts
The function you are looking for is setOutline with the following prototype:

async function setOutline(doc: PDFDocument, outlines: readonly PDFOutline[])

Hi thanks for your good implementation! I tried to use your pdf.ts and setOutline to assign some bookmarks into my pdf, the bookmarks link work well to be able to be clicked and jump to the right pages, but the only issue is that the bookmark titles all seem to be totally invisible like transparent in my adobe pdf reviewer(i tried different reviewers,wps or chrome browser, and none of them can show the textual title for any bookmark that has been added in the pdf..), below is my code, I was wondering could you please help me find the reason of the issue, thanks!
import { PDFDocument, PDFRef, rgb } from 'pdf-lib'; import {setOutline, PDFOutline} from './pdf'; async addPageNumbersAndContentsIndexToPDF1() {

const { PDFDocument, rgb } = require('pdf-lib');
// const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(pdfBuffer);

const uint8Array = fs.readFileSync('123.pdf')
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(uint8Array)
const font = await pdfDoc.embedFont('Helvetica'); 

const pages = pdfDoc.getPages();
const outlines: PDFOutline[] = []; // Create an empty outlines array

for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
  const pageIndex = i + 1;
  const page = pages[i];
  const { width, height } = page.getSize();

  // Add visible "Page X" text to the top of each page
  // as page numbers
  page.drawText(`Page ${pageIndex}`, {
    x: width / 2 - 40,  // adjust as per requirements
    y: height - 30,     // adjust to place text at top
    size: 12,
    font: font,
    color: rgb(0, 0, 0),

  // Create an outline for each page
    to: i,
    italic: true,
    bold: true,

// Add the outlines to the PDF document
await setOutline(pdfDoc, outlines);

const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();

fs.writeFileSync("pdf.pdf", pdfBytes);
return Buffer.from(pdfBytes);


oh, never mind, I figured out, since I didn't import pdf-lib library packages from the internal code... thanks.

hi,i have the same problem。Can you tell me how to solve it, thank you

See a better implementation here: https://github.com/marp-team/marp-cli/blob/9e0eff5f9d9530577458e93769cd2b0000958a7d/src/utils/pdf.ts
The function you are looking for is setOutline with the following prototype:

async function setOutline(doc: PDFDocument, outlines: readonly PDFOutline[])

Hi thanks for your good implementation! I tried to use your pdf.ts and setOutline to assign some bookmarks into my pdf, the bookmarks link work well to be able to be clicked and jump to the right pages, but the only issue is that the bookmark titles all seem to be totally invisible like transparent in my adobe pdf reviewer(i tried different reviewers,wps or chrome browser, and none of them can show the textual title for any bookmark that has been added in the pdf..), below is my code, I was wondering could you please help me find the reason of the issue, thanks!
import { PDFDocument, PDFRef, rgb } from 'pdf-lib'; import {setOutline, PDFOutline} from './pdf'; async addPageNumbersAndContentsIndexToPDF1() {

const { PDFDocument, rgb } = require('pdf-lib');
// const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(pdfBuffer);

const uint8Array = fs.readFileSync('123.pdf')
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(uint8Array)
const font = await pdfDoc.embedFont('Helvetica'); 

const pages = pdfDoc.getPages();
const outlines: PDFOutline[] = []; // Create an empty outlines array

for (let i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
  const pageIndex = i + 1;
  const page = pages[i];
  const { width, height } = page.getSize();

  // Add visible "Page X" text to the top of each page
  // as page numbers
  page.drawText(`Page ${pageIndex}`, {
    x: width / 2 - 40,  // adjust as per requirements
    y: height - 30,     // adjust to place text at top
    size: 12,
    font: font,
    color: rgb(0, 0, 0),

  // Create an outline for each page
    to: i,
    italic: true,
    bold: true,

// Add the outlines to the PDF document
await setOutline(pdfDoc, outlines);

const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();

fs.writeFileSync("pdf.pdf", pdfBytes);
return Buffer.from(pdfBytes);


oh, never mind, I figured out, since I didn't import pdf-lib library packages from the internal code... thanks.

hi,i have the same problem。Can you tell me how to solve it, thank you

i know.

import { PDFString } from 'pdf-lib'

//  const createOutline
// ....

// PDFHexString.fromText(outline.title)
PDFString.of(outline.title)  // ok