Hobo / hobo

The web app builder for Rails (moved from tablatom/hobo)

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hot-input throws "no route" exception when relative_url_root is used

egomolka opened this issue · comments

Background/steps to recreate:
I am integrating a Hobo app with other applications, and need to run it from a non-root directory.
I therefore made changes to config.ru, and the environment files (development.rb and production.rb).

config.ru now looks like:
require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', FILE)
run Rails.application

Environment files that need the relative url root (development.rb/production.rb/test.rb)
now have one more line, in order to provide the correct routes for menu links:
routes.default_url_options= {:script_name => Rails.application.config.relative_url_root}

Now I can start the application:
env RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/url_test jruby -S rails server

I try to create a new employee. The new employee dryml page has a hot-input tag. When the triggering selection is made, hot-input doesn't work. The log contains the message:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/url_test/employees/new"):
app/controllers/employees_controller.rb:33:in `new'

All other features seem to work. The employee can still be created if the hot-input failure doesn't affect a required field.

I am testing a fix in hobo_rapid_helper.rb:

      page_path = if params[:page_path]
  •                    request.fullpath
  •                    if request.query_string.present?
  •                      "#{request.path_info}?#{request.query_string}"
  •                    else
  •                      "#{request.path_info}"
  •                    end
         page_path_hidden = hidden_field_tag("page_path", page_path)

I will submit a pull_request once I am comfortable with the fix.