HobbitLong / CMC

[ECCV 2020] "Contrastive Multiview Coding", also contains implementations for MoCo and InstDis

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Train/Test split when training linear classifier (ImageNet)

jnyjxn opened this issue · comments


Thank you for this great work and well-written paper.

When training the linear classifier (e.g. Alexnet with ImageNet), how do you perform the train/test split? 1. Do you use all of the classes in your test set?
2. How do you choose views for each sample?

Many thanks,

Hi Jonny,

  1. ImageNet dataset itself has a "train" set and a "val" set, which will be used as train and test sets, respectively.
  2. The same as the CMC pre-training stage. If you train CMC with Y/DbDr split, then you use Y/DbDr split in linear evaluation stage as well.

Thanks @HobbitLong - unfortunately from what I can tell ImageNet is defunct (I've had no response for > 3 months) so I can't access the dataset.

Could you briefly describe the approach they've used to do the split? Specifically, do they split according to e.g. 80 different chairs in train, 20 different chairs in val, or is it the same 100 chairs in train and val but with different perspectives?

Thank you!

I believe it's the former way.