HobbitLong / CMC

[ECCV 2020] "Contrastive Multiview Coding", also contains implementations for MoCo and InstDis

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the initial value of memory in Memory Bank of InsDis and CMC

lhcalibur opened this issue · comments

Why initialize memory value this way? Thanks!

stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(inputSize / 3)
self.register_buffer('memory', torch.rand(self.queueSize, inputSize).mul_(2 * stdv).add_(-stdv))

I also don't know the exact reason. Hope maybe someone could give an explanation. I guess it may be an approximation of initialize the memory bank with unit random vectors. The original paper InstDiscrimination's implementation uses exactly also this way to initialize memory bank.

Hi, @lhcalibur,

Good question!

Suppose you sample each dimension x uniformly from [-a, a], you want inputSize * E[x^2] = 1, i.e., the expectation of the norm of the random vector is one. Then the computation of a follows simple derivation and you will obtain that a = sqrt(3 / inputSize).