HiLab-git / SSL4MIS

Semi Supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation, a collection of literature reviews and code implementations.

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resampling of pancreas data

Huiimin5 opened this issue · comments

Thank you a lot for releasing the code. Could you please also specify how to resample pancreas images to a resolution of

As we can see from the meta-info, the SliceThickness is missing from Pancreas dataset. In that case, how do you sample over Z-axis?
By the way, Is it possible to release the data preprocessing of Pancreas-CT dataset too?

Sorry, in this repo, we don't use Pancreas-CT as an example. For resampling processing, you need to learn how to use SimpleITK, which is very basic knowledge for medical image processing.

Got it. By the way, did you center crop around ground truth over 3 dimension or 2 dimensions (x and y) like what has been done in UA-MT?