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Ansible Collection and Sample Playbooks for HPE OneView

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Firmware-bundle - Upload of compsig file fails, hotfix not present

ClaireHayard opened this issue · comments



I am trying upload spp, hotfix and compsig files to OneView using the oneview_firmware_bundle plugin. I am testing the upload of an hotfix and its two associated compsig file, however the upload fails with the compsig files.

Input data

- spp_list: ["<absolute_path>/firmware-ilo5-2.60-1.1.x86_64.rpm", "<absolute_path>/firmware-ilo5-2.60-1.1.x86_64_part1.compsig", "<absolute_path>/firmware-ilo5-2.60-1.1.x86_64_part2.compsig"]


- name: Create fact to get the extension of the input var file
    __file_extension: ""

- name: Set fact with the extension of the input var file
    __file_extension : [...]

#if file (hotfix, spp) doesn't have a compsig extension, do this task
- name: Upload the firmware bundle
    config: "{{ __config }}"
    state: present
    file_path: "{{ __spp_file_path }}"
  when: "'compsig' not in __file_extension" #here __file_extension = "rpm" for the first file upload

#if file has a compsig extension (signature), do this task
- name: Upload the firmware bundle
    config: "{{ __config }}"
    state: add_signature
    file_path: "{{ __spp_file_path }}"
  when: "'compsig' in __file_extension" #here __file_extension = "compsig" for the 2nd and 3rd file upload

Environment Details

  • OneView Ansible Collection: v6.5.0
  • OneView Appliance Version: 6.10
  • Ansible version: 2.9.6
  • Python version: 3.6.10

Expected Result

The consecutive upload of the hotfix and its compsig files on OneView.

Actual Result

Result of the ansible-playbook command

#First loop iteration to upload the hotfix

TASK [Upload the firmware bundle] **********************************************************************************
changed: [localhost] => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "firmware_bundle": {
            "baselineShortName": "Not_Applicable",
            "bundleSize": 33932254,
            "bundleType": "Hotfix",
            "category": "firmware-drivers",
            "created": "2022-02-17T10:01:45.113Z",
            "description": "This package contains HPE Integrated Lights-Out 5 firmware",
            "eTag": "2022-02-17T10:04:33.117Z",
            "esxiOsDriverMetaData": [
            "fwComponents": [
                    "componentVersion": "2.60",
                    "fileName": "firmware-ilo5-2.60-1.1.x86_64.rpm",
                    "name": "HPE Integrated Lights-Out 5 firmware",
                    "swKeyNameList": [
            "hotfixes": [],
            "hpsumVersion": "Not_Applicable",
            "isoFileName": "Not_Applicable",
            "lastTaskUri": "/rest/tasks/7e520ed5-df90-4132-8cdd-61c35253c395",
            "locations": {
                "/rest/repositories/internal": "Internal"
    "msg": "Firmware Bundle or Hotfix added successfully."

# Second loop iteration to upload the compsig files

TASK [Upload the firmware bundle] **********************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
    "changed": false,
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "api_version": null,
            "auth_login_domain": null,
            "config": "config.json",
            "file_path": "<aboslute_path>/firmware-ilo5-2.60-1.1.x86_64_part1.compsig",
            "hostname": null,
            "image_streamer_hostname": null,
            "password": null,
            "state": "add_signature",
            "username": null,
            "validate_etag": true
    "msg": "Hotfix is not present."

Hi @ClaireHayard ,
Are you uploading the hotfix file before uploading the sig file? The error seems to be because hotfix file is not yet uploaded.

Hello @nabhajit-ray,

Yes I am uploading the hotfix first. As you can see above, the result of my ansible-playbook command shows that the hotfix is first being uploaded (sucessfully) and then the compsig files.

This is fixed in ansible collection 6.60. Please check

Hello @nabhajit-ray,

Still having the same issue. The Service Pack is first uploaded successfully but when it's the signature (compsig) files turn, it fails. In this particular test, I am trying to upload two compsig files to one SPP, one after the other.

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
    "changed": false,
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "api_version": 2800,
            "auth_login_domain": "",
            "config": null,
            "file_path": "<absolute-path>/firmware-ilo5-2.60-1.1.x86_64_part1.compsig",
            "hostname": "ip@",
            "image_streamer_hostname": null,
            "password": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER",
            "state": "add_signature",
            "username": "Administrator",
            "validate_etag": true
    "msg": "Hotfix is not present."

Have you installed the latest python package?


Hi @nabhajit-ray ,

You're right, I didn't check the python package version, it was still v6.5.0. I re-did the test and it seems to be working fine now. I am closing the issue.

Thank you