Heufneutje / WinWeelay

A WeeChat relay for Windows.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TO-DO list

Heufneutje opened this issue · comments

Remaining WeeChat signals

  • _buffer_opened
  • _buffer_moved
  • _buffer_hidden
  • _buffer_unhidden
  • _buffer_renamed
  • _buffer_title_changed
  • _buffer_cleared
  • _buffer_line_added
  • _buffer_closing
  • _nicklist
  • _nicklist_diff
  • _pong
  • _upgrade
  • _upgrade_ended


  • Syncing read messages with host
  • Arrow key navigation through old messages
  • IRC color parsing
  • Automatically reconnect when connection drops (ping?)
  • Secure connections
  • Nick colors
  • Loading messages that are older than the initial backlog
  • Remember dock layout
  • Proper validation on connection settings
  • Display hotlist items
  • Notifications when highlighted
  • Investigate nicks sometimes appearing in the nicklist twice
  • Send commands in batches where applicable
  • Fix notifications only sending when the buffer is active
  • Make URLs clickable
  • Investigate why selecting all text in the input box and hitting backspace only deletes the last character


  • Theme support
  • Synchronizing nick colors with host
  • Parse colors specified by the host's options

That should be it for all the features!