HeroTransitions / Hero

Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS

Home Page:https://HeroTransitions.github.io/Hero/

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OverFullScreen problem

Samueleuf opened this issue · comments

Presenting a navigation controller with:
Background clear
ModalPresentationStyle = overFullScreen

The vc under the new vc is black when I move the upper vc, disabling hero I see it correctly if I move the upper

Any sulotions? I have the same question

navigation.hero.modalAnimationType = .selectBy(presenting: .fade, dismissing: .none) navigation.hero.navigationAnimationTypeselectBy(presenting: .push(direction: .left), dismissing: .pull (direction: right))
navigation.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
navigation.modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance = true
navigation.view.isOpaque = false
navigation.view.backgroundColor = .clear


How about trying to use useNoSnapShot? The useNoSnapShot modifier does not create a black snapshot.