HeroTransitions / Hero

Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS

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Animation doesn't work when navigationController pushing screen

ZHNursultan opened this issue · comments

Why Hero Transition Animation doesn't work when I push a new viewController into UINavigationController or setting as a root view controller?

Gonna need a little more info.

Sample code?

@JoeMatt of course sorry for late answer
It works if I present it. But doesn't if I push.

let onboarding2 = Onboarding2ViewController(viewModel: .init())
onboarding2.hero.isEnabled = true

router is UINavigationController
router.push(onboarding2) is animated true
router is hero enabled true

I am facing same issue on iOS 16

Unfortunately, my time/role on this project is more as a project manager.

If anyone can debug and write a fix, even something that needs some cleanup, I'd be more than happy to test and merge or improve. Still, I don't have the cycles with all my other projects to debug this at the moment, especially since I'm not using Hero myself as my main apps have moved over to SwiftUI.