HeroTransitions / Hero

Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS

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window.rootViewController transition animation

zdurlan opened this issue · comments


What did you do?

I'm trying to figure out how to use this library in order to achieve a similar animation like Airbnb does when you tap "Where are you going?" (the search bar expands and moves to a new location).

My particular issue is that I am not in a navigation controller, but I am trying to present a new view controller by setting window.rootViewController = newVC (it's unavoidable, sadly, due to the modular architecture we are using right now)

I'd appreciate any tips on how to make a custom transition using rootViewController, and/or if anyone can suggest the modifiers Airbnb are using (I suppose there's a scale and a translate, but when I try to put them in they are not recognised - I suppose it's because rootViewController does not go through a navigation so even if the IDs match, they don't animate).

General Information

  • Hero Version: 1.6.1
  • iOS Version(s): 14.5
  • Swift Version: 5
  • Devices/Simulators: iPhone
  • Reproducible in Examples? (Yes/No): No

Demo Project

Sadly, unavailable.