Herjar / radarr_sonarr_watchmon

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Authentication question

niawag opened this issue · comments


Hi Herjar and thanks a lot for this great tool! I've been using it from a bit of time with crontab and almost forgot about it, as I was testing it again I was told that the authentication was maybe out of date. I authenticated once again and got it working easily but I didn't know that it was supposed to happen.
Do you know how long the authentication is supposed to last ?
Is there an "official way" to get warned if the authentication is out of date ? (I can tinker a crontab way to get warned but if there is an official one, it might work better)
Keep up the good work!


Here is my bash tinkering, hope it may help others:

/usr/bin/python3 /path_to/radarr_sonarr_watchmon.py > /path_to/radarr_sonarr_watchmon.log 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    err=$(cat /path_to/radarr_sonarr_watchmon.log | grep -i error)
    /path_to/telegram.sh Servarr "*radarr_sonarr_watchmon ERROR*  $err" #using telegram bot to get the notification, could be other notification service

There is no official way to get warned, but I like what you are doing here. Thank you. I can add your bash script, or do you want to do a pull request?


Thanks, you can add it no problem !