HeavyHorst / remco

remco is a lightweight configuration management tool

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Remco not reading JSON secret from Vault

pwyatt87 opened this issue · comments

I have a json secret stored in vault that I'm trying to read with remco.

$ vault kv get /tenant/AdamsAndSons-8/app1/properties
====== Data ======
Key          Value
---          -----
093 KKQ      true
1-74144      true
877 WHM      false
ZBD 291      true
ZDP 140      true
workflows    [map[workflowName:workflow-1 workflowTenantName:Adams and Sons 1] map[workflowName:workflow-2 workflowTenantName:Adams and Sons 2] map[workflowName:workflow-3 workflowTenantName:Adams and Sons 3]]

Remco doesn't pick it up when I try to read it. Here's the template function I'm using to pull it down:

{% with get("/tenant/AdamsAndSons-8/app1/properties") as dat %}
I'm getting this error:

createStageFileAndSync failed: create stage file failed: template execution failed: [Error (where: execution) in ./config.json.toml | Line 1 Col 9 near 'get'] key does not exist: /tenant/AdamsAndSons-8/app1/properties
I believe it's caused by this delete() on JSON secrets in easyKV:


Here's my config.toml just for completeness

# Global configuration
log_level = "trace"
log_format = "text"
# Resource configuration
    src = "./config.json.toml"
    dst = "config.json"
      node =   "http://localhost:8200"
      keys = [ "tenant" ]
      auth_type = "token"
      auth_token =  "my token"
      interval = 10

What is the output of:

{% for kv in gets("/rust/cfg/*") %}
{{ kv.Key }} {{ kv.Value }}
{% endfor %}


All keys start with "/" so it should be
keys = [ "/tenant" ]

Sorry, you're right about the preceding /.

Here's the /rust/cfg key in vault:

/ $ vault kv get /rust/cfg/foo
=== Data ===
Key    Value
---    -----
bar    map[baz:bat]

Here's my config.toml to pull that key:

# Global configuration
log_level = "trace"
log_format = "text"
# Resource configuration
    src = "./config.json.toml"
    dst = "config.json"
      node =   "http://localhost:8200"
      keys = [ "/rust" ]
      auth_type = "token"
      auth_token =  "my token"
      interval = 10

Here's the template file:

{% for kv in gets("/rust/cfg/*") %}
{{ kv.Key }} {{ kv.Value }}
{% endfor %}

This produces an empty config.json file for me. If i remove that line line the easyKV repo and rebuild, i get this:

→ cat config.json
/rust/cfg/foo {"bar":{"baz":"bat"}}

Ok, that returned:

/rust/cfg/foo/bar/baz bat