Hazyzh / jest-html-reporters

🌈 Reporter for jest test framework. 🌈

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Logger statements in the Reports

tajeshwarbhumra opened this issue · comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I have been using jest framework for integration testing and going to develop some 1000+ jest tests for the same. I am using jest-html-reporter for reporting. Is there anyway I can publish additional logging statements/test steps in the reports for both pass and fail test cases?

Describe the solution you'd like
I am requesting for some additional feature to print statements/steps in both passed and failed tests case, so that by looking report only one can able to analysis. Something like below :

test(Dummy Test, () => {
step("Step 1 : Connecting internet ")
step("Step 2 : Connecting to VM ")
step("Step 3 : Asserting connections details ")
step("Test completed ")

Describe alternatives you've considered
If not the above solution, is there any way that I can print console.log in the report? I am using "includeConsoleLog : true" in jest.config.js and also "verbose=false" , but still I am not able to print console.log
Currently my jest.config.js looking like this :

"reporters": [
["jest-html-reporters", {
"publicPath": "./html-report",
"filename": "report.html",
"expand": true,
includeConsoleLog : true,

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Hey @tajeshwarbhumra,

You'll be able to achieve what you need with the addAttach() function, by doing the following:

await addAttach('', 'Your Text');

Its not pretty though. I added an addMsg() function in the @carits-qa/jest-html-reporters package and prettified the output a little bit as a temporary solution

Your request is marked as an enhancement so will hopefully be added soon (and I'll bin off my forked repo)

Hi @tajeshwarbhumra ; we don't have the property includeConsoleLog in global config. so the setting includeConsoleLog : true is meaningless.

Jest framework does not include the console output info in the native output data. so we can not show it in the report.
as @aruiz-caritsqa said above, you can use addAttach to log text. This is a bit hack way. but anyway, it can work now and we can improve it once we can get console info from native output data.

And @aruiz-caritsqa, looking forward to you create a PR to add the addMsg function.

@Hazyzh @aruiz-caritsqa Thanks for the reply. I have tried addMsg() and addAttach() functions. Its shows the result as expected as i want its trimming down the end part of the text.
Screenshot 2020-08-10 at 2 39 45 PM

If you see above, value of bearer token is not getting displaying fully.

Hi @tajeshwarbhumra,

Just to clarify, the addMsg() function is or isn't displaying the result as expected?

The <pre> element uses overflow: 'auto' - so you'll be able to scroll right to view the remainder of the token.

New version(2.0.3) which include the addMsg function has been released . Thanks for the contribution of @aruiz-caritsqa .