HazyResearch / safari

Convolutions for Sequence Modeling

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Inconsistent between implementation and paper descriptions

hoangmit opened this issue · comments

In the paper Algorithm 3, for hyena order N, there are (N+1) projections, and N filters
with order=2, it returns
mlp2(x) * FFTConv(mlp1(x) * FFTConv(mlp0(x), filter0), filter1)

However, in the implementation e.g.

v = self.dropout(v * x_i)

For hyena order N, there are (N+1) projections and (N-1) filters
In the code, for example, with order=2,
it will do mlp2(x) * FFTConv(mlp0(x) * mlp1(x), filter0)

i.e., for order=N there is only (N-1) FFTConv applications.

is it intentional or am I missing something (the code is quite convoluted) ?

A lot of the experiment had done with order=2. Does that mean one application of FFTConv per layer is enough ?