HazAT / badge

Add a badge to your app icon

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

--no_badge not working

justdan0227 opened this issue · comments


So I added a badge and with

badge --alpha
badge --shield "Version-0.0.3-blue"

and want to remove all badges with
badge --no_badge

However getting:

$ badge --no_badge
Ignoring racc-1.5.2 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine racc --version 1.5.2
[13:42:07]: Start adding badges...
[13:42:07]: Did nothing... Enable --verbose for more info.


So I see that you can use git checkout -- Assets.xcassets, however what if you update your assets and then need to revert

--no_badge is not meant to remove existing badges, it just doesn't add beta/alpha.
You need to use git for that if you want to revert. Badge is designed to run on a CI where the changes to the icon are lost.