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to Float on abstract is getting ignored, can't do math operations

Jarrio opened this issue · comments

class Test {
  static function main() {
    var now = Date.now().getTime() - Foo.a;

enum abstract Foo(Float) to Float {
	var a = 10000001;

This results in the following error:

[ERROR] Test.hx:3: characters 38-43

 3 |     var now = Date.now().getTime() - Foo.a;
   |                                      ^^^^^
   | Foo should be Int

But everything here is typed and declared as Float so why is it that I can't do the subtraction?


It works with that :

enum abstract Foo(Float) from Float to Float {
	var a : Float = 10000001;

But I agree it would be cool if it did the conversion by itself

Yes, there are ways to get around it but it changes what the intention of the code is, I don't want to allow any float for Foo.

The solution I do is type hitting Foo at declaration But I don't understand why when I specified that the type should be to Float

Current workaround is to add @:op there https://try.haxe.org/#B8D0053C or the short version https://try.haxe.org/#C2F8766b (see manual for this one)

the short version https://try.haxe.org/#C2F8766b

@:commutative can be used to avoid adding add2 and sub2.