HaveAGitGat / Tdarr

Tdarr - Distributed transcode automation using FFmpeg/HandBrake + Audio/Video library analytics + video health checking (Windows, macOS, Linux & Docker)

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source file cannot be accessed on Tdarr_Node

begunfx opened this issue · comments

I know this has probably been discussed in several threads, but I can't seem to wrap my head around solving it. I have tdarr server and internal node setup on one of my synology servers via docker compose successfully. I can process files with no issues. I then added another tdarr node to a different synology server. This registers successfully, but when I try to use it to process files I can an error: "source file cannot be accessed on Tdarr_Node". I know it's related to the path mapping between node and server but I can't seem to get the details figured out.

Note: Both servers are Synology servers. tdarr server is running on "MediaVault" and the tdarr_node is running on "DataVault". What am I missing to get the tdarr server to see the tdarr_node paths?

Below is my server compose file:

version: "3.9"
image: ghcr.io/haveagitgat/tdarr:latest
container_name: tdarr
hostname: tdarr
- no-new-privileges:true
test: wget --no-verbose --tries=1 --spider http://localhost:8265/ || exit 1
- 8265:8265
- 8266:8266
- TZ=America/Los_Angeles
- PUID=1034
- PGID=100
- serverIP=tdarr
- serverPort=8266
- webUIPort=8265
- internalNode=true
- nodeID=InternalNode
- /volume1/docker/tdarr/server:/app/server
- /volume1/docker/tdarr/configs:/app/configs
- /volume1/docker/tdarr/logs:/app/logs
- /volume1/video:/video
- /volume1/music:/music
- /volume1/photo:/photo
- /volume1/docker/tdarr/media:/media
- /volume1/docker/tdarr/temp:/temp
restart: always

Below is my tdarr node compose file:
container_name: tdarr_node
image: ghcr.io/haveagitgat/tdarr_node:latest
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: bridge
- TZ=America/Los_Angeles
- PUID=1034
- PGID=100
- nodeID=DataVaultNode
- serverIP=Mediavault
- serverPort=8266
- /volume1/docker/tdarr_node/configs:/app/configs
- /volume1/docker/tdarr_node/logs:/app/logs
- /volume1/docker/tdarr_node/media:/media
- /volume1/docker/tdarr_node/temp:/temp

As you can see I have the media path in both the server and node. This is where I will be putting files to be processed.

This is a snipped of the log with the error:
2024-05-13T12:09:20.608Z 8SrnYixpt:Node[DataVaultNode]:Worker[young-yeti]:[Step W02] [C1] Running pre-process
2024-05-13T12:09:20.608Z 8SrnYixpt:Node[DataVaultNode]:Worker[young-yeti]:Checking files can be accessed
2024-05-13T12:09:20.608Z 8SrnYixpt:Node[DataVaultNode]:Worker[young-yeti]:[1/2] R/W [-error-]:/media/source/test/Addams Family Values 1993 1080p BluRay DD 5 1 x264-playHD.mkv:Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, access '/media/source/test/Addams Family Values 1993 1080p BluRay DD 5 1 x264-playHD.mkv'
2024-05-13T12:09:20.609Z 8SrnYixpt:Node[DataVaultNode]:Worker[young-yeti]:[2/2] The following source file cannot be accessed on Tdarr_Node aoEVoj2lu:
2024-05-13T12:09:20.609Z "/media/source/test/Addams Family Values 1993 1080p BluRay DD 5 1 x264-playHD.mkv"

Please provide the following information:

  • Config files [can be found in /app/configs/ when using Docker or in the /configs folder next to Tdarr_Updater if not using Docker]
    Server config:
    "serverPort": "8266",
    "webUIPort": "8265",
    "serverIP": "tdarr",
    "handbrakePath": "",
    "ffmpegPath": "",
    "logLevel": "INFO",
    "mkvpropeditPath": "",
    "ccextractorPath": "",
    "openBrowser": true,
    "cronPluginUpdate": ""

My tdarr_node config:
"serverPort": "8266",
"webUIPort": "8265",
"serverIP": "tdarr",
"handbrakePath": "",
"ffmpegPath": "",
"logLevel": "INFO",
"mkvpropeditPath": "",
"ccextractorPath": "",
"openBrowser": true,
"cronPluginUpdate": ""

  • OS: Synology DSM 7.2
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version 2

Update: Okay. So I mounted the tdarr server (mediavault) media folders on the datavault using CIFS. The first time I tried requeing the test file it failed, but then it seemed to work after requeing again. Not sure why the hiccup, but that seemed to work. So for anyone else...the missing piece for me was to make sure you create a mount point on your tdarr node server and mount the media folders you want to process, then you might need to relaunch your docker container so it can see the new mounted folders. Otherwise the config files don't need to be touched for a docker to docker container example.

Pleased you got it working. Yeah if just using Docker for everything then it can handle all the path stuff itself so don't need to touch the tdarr pathTranslators config.