HatBashBR / HatCloud


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Its solved the problem of Traceback

Sokolcav opened this issue · comments

at the line 64 just replace the link crimeflare.us:82/cgi-bin/cfsearch.cgi to crimeflare.org:82/cgi-bin/cfsearch.cgi
and problem its solved

After replacing the link also traceback error is occuring:
this is what's coming:
/usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/open-uri.rb:377:in `open_http': 404 Not Found (OpenURI::HTTPError)

/usr/share/ruby/open-uri.rb:353:in open_http': 404 Not Found (OpenURI::HTTPError) from /usr/share/ruby/open-uri.rb:709:in buffer_open'
from /usr/share/ruby/open-uri.rb:210:in block in open_loop' from /usr/share/ruby/open-uri.rb:208:in catch'
from /usr/share/ruby/open-uri.rb:208:in open_loop' from /usr/share/ruby/open-uri.rb:149:in open_uri'
from /usr/share/ruby/open-uri.rb:689:in open' from /usr/share/ruby/open-uri.rb:697:in read'
from hatcloud.rb:87:in `


line 64 replace the link crimeflare.us:82/cgi-bin/cfsearch.cgi to http://www.crimeflare.org:82/cgi-bin/cfsearch.cgi, it's work for me !

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