Hasnayeen / invobook

Self-hosted app for Time Tracking, Invoice Generation, Project & Client Management, built with Laravel & Filament.

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manual install config

econwang opened this issue · comments

I strictly follow the guide in https://github.com/iluminar/goodwork/wiki/Installation#setup-usual-way-if-youre-not-using-docker, and resulting a webpage just show OK, how to connect to the app? not sure whether I miss any config.

how are you running the app?

@econwang There are a lot of nuances that are not described in this guide.
I got a working project based on this guide, but I need to understand from where everything went wrong?
If you have a clean system (for example Ubuntu 18 server):

  1. install nginx
  2. install php-fmp
    configure it
  3. install mysql-server
    create database, user
  4. install redis-server
  5. install laravel-echo-server
    After that, you must add true settings in .env.
    Check nginx config (for example docker/site.conf) and after that app must work.

It seems that's all

@econwang It was easy, Assuming you have already downloaded/cloned the files you can follow these steps exactly in order, i was able to set up on my localhost.

  1. I just created a localdomain in apache configuration "goodlwork.local" pointing to goodwork/public directory and added it in the etc/hosts file so dns lookup would work.

  2. Once all the files in goodwork root directory run "composer install".

  3. install redis server and run it, i was able to do simply by sudo apt-get install redis-server.
    3.1. test redis server by redis-cli and then ping.

  4. edit .env file to point to right configurations for domain, database, redis and email etc.

  5. php artisan key:generate

  6. php artisan storage:link

  7. php artisan migrate --seed

  8. php artisan passport:install (i faced the problem with database at this point, if I run this command before migrate command so once database is populated then this command works fine).

  9. npm install

  10. npm install -g laravel-echo-server
    10.1. configure the laravel-echo-server.json file with required parameters(if on production it may required ssl configurations and certificate files).
    10.2. laravel-echo-server start(run it in background).

  11. php artisan queue:work redis --sleep=1 --tries=1 (run it in background).

many thanks, it works