HashNuke / hound

Elixir library for writing integration tests and browser automation

Home Page:http://hexdocs.pm/hound

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

1.1.0 3be56f4 mismatch between github and hex

gregjohnsonsaltaire opened this issue · comments

1.1.0 3be56f4 mismatch between github and hex

% diff -r hound-1.1.0.github hound-1.1.0.hex 
diff -r hound-1.1.0.github/lib/hound/element.ex hound-1.1.0.hex/lib/hound/element.ex
<   def from_response(element) when is_map(element) do
<     element |> Map.to_list |> from_response
>   def from_response(%{"ELEMENT" => uuid}), do: %__MODULE__{uuid: uuid}
>   def from_response(value) do
>     raise Hound.InvalidElementError, value: value
<   def from_response([{"ELEMENT", uuid}]), do: %__MODULE__{uuid: uuid}
<   def from_response([{"element-" <> _id, uuid}]), do: %__MODULE__{uuid: uuid}
<   def from_response(value), do: raise Hound.InvalidElementError, value: value
diff -r hound-1.1.0.github/lib/hound/helpers/page.ex hound-1.1.0.hex/lib/hound/helpers/page.ex
<     %Hound.Element{uuid: uuid} = element_in_focus()
<     make_req(:post, "session/#{session_id}/element/#{uuid}/value", %{value: [keys]})
>     make_req(:post, "session/#{session_id}/keys", %{value: [keys]})

Thank you, there was a problem with the mix version using selenium that the github repo does not have.

It could be great to have the mix version fixed, as is you can fall in a rabbit hole trying to understand why the tests don't work with selenium.

Hi, and sorry about that. Is it working with the latest hex verson or with the github version?

Hi, github version is good, hex version is not ...

Thanks for confirming and sorry for the delay.
I just pushed a new version (1.1.1) to hex.
I think this can be closed but please comment if there's still an issue, I'll re-open.