HashNuke / hound

Elixir library for writing integration tests and browser automation

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Problem with acceptance test in hound not starting server on port 4001 in phoenix

wolfiton opened this issue · comments

Hello everyone,

I have a problem in using hound to create a simple acceptance test following this https://shankardevy.com/phoenix-inside-out-mpf/#setting-up-hound 1

Even thought i followed all the instructions I am getting a failure:

mango mix test ./test/mango_web/acceptance/homepage_test.exs\

  1. test presence of featured products (MangoWeb.HomepageTest)
    test/mango_web/acceptance/homepage_test.exs :7
    Assertion with =~ failed
    code: assert page_source() =~ "Seasonal products"
    left: ""
    right: "Seasonal products"
    test/mango_web/acceptance/homepage_test.exs :10: (test)

Finished in 0.3 seconds
1 test, 1 failure

Also i am using phantomjs like this

phantomjs --wd
Here is the github repo with all the code i have for chapter 3 https://github.com/wolfiton/hound-problem-ch3

This issue I also describe it here in more detail https://elixirforum.com/t/problem-with-acceptance-test-in-hound-not-starting-server-on-port-4001/24460

Thanks in advance

Solve the problem using the following

If anyone needs a solution to this problem follow the steps:

I assume also that you installed phantomjs using sudo apt-get install phantomjs already in Ubuntu

If you did not then don;t use step 1 the following steps are applicable

Step 1 sudo apt-get remove --purge phantomjs This command will remove phantomjs and all it’s configuration files in one go(you need root password for sudo action)

Step 2 Head over to https://phantomjs.org/download.html and download the Linux 32 or Linux 64 archive
then open a terminal and navigate to where you file has been downloaded using cd(most common place is Downloads so cd ~/Downloads should do it)

Step 3 tar xjvf phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 after extraction you should get a folder with the same name

Step 4 cd ~/Downloads/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64/bin(this can be done in one line using cp but preferred this method for clarity reasons)

Step 5 sudo cp -R./phantomjs /usr/local/bin This command copies the phantomjs executable binary to the usr/local/bin

Step 6 Verify which pahntomjs the result should be usr/local/bin/phantomjs

Now you are good to go.


Solved, don;t use sudo apt-get install phantomjs in Ubuntu install using my method from step 2 forward