Haruma-K / UnityScreenNavigator

Library for screen transitions, transition animations, transition history stacking, and screen lifecycle management in Unity's uGUI.

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prefab_top_page.prefab was not found

seoyeon01 opened this issue · comments

When i run the demo, get the following error

Unity 2021.3.19f1
Addressables 1.19.19

InvalidOperationException: Requested asset(Key: Top/prefab_top_page.prefab)was not found.
UnityScreenNavigator.Runtime.Core.Page.PageContainer+d__40.MoveNext () (at Assets/UnityScreenNavigator/Runtime/Core/Page/PageContainer.cs:303)
UnityScreenNavigator.Runtime.Foundation.Coroutine.CoroutineManager+d__12.MoveNext () (at Assets/UnityScreenNavigator/Runtime/Foundation/Coroutine/CoroutineManager.cs:107)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0)


It's hard to understand why,
but if i open the prefab and play while in prefab modification mode, it works.
After that, it should work fine even if i leave the prefab mode.
Is this an issue about addressables?
Is this only happening to me at the moment?

Sorry I fixed it!
The issue was that UnityScreenNavigatorSettings had dissapeared from PreloadedAssets. When you use this library, normally, this doesn't happen.

Thank you for your report!