HansKristian-Work / vkd3d-proton

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Godfall rendering issues

Saancreed opened this issue · comments

Glitches encountered in the tutorial area, in the next room after picking up the shield (after less than 5 minutes of gameplay). They look like this:


There are no such issues when launching the game with -dx11 argument, forcing it to use DXVK instead:


Unfortunately, I couldn't apitrace the game, with wrapper DLLs in place all it does is print apitrace: warning: D3D12CreateDevice: unexpected IUnknown pointer 0000000011EC8390, but here are some dumped shaders and a log file (with default log levels):



Epic is giving away Godfall (well, some parts of it) for the next few days, might be useful for repro purposes. Also fwiw I had to remove videos directory because mfplat was causing some issues.

  • Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti Mobile, 495.44
  • vkd3d-proton commit c0a3fa8

Seems to work fine on AMD, RADV 6700XT

Screenshot from 2021-12-10 13-03-26