Handlebars-Net / Handlebars.Net

A real .NET Handlebars engine

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Can't Reference Capitalized Hashtable Elements

AceCoderLaura opened this issue · comments


Attempting to reference a Hashtable element with a key containing an uppercase letter will fail. Dictionaries however work fine.


using System.Collections;
using HandlebarsDotNet;

const string template = @"Hello {{ NAME }}, have a nice day.";

var compiledTemplate = Handlebars.Compile(template);

var notWorkingOutput = compiledTemplate(new Hashtable
    { "NAME", "bob" }

var workingOutput = compiledTemplate(new Dictionary<string,string>()
    { "NAME", "alice" }


What happens with a HashTable element with a lowercase key?


If you use a lowercase key in the Hashtable you can reference it with any casing from the template.