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Build script suggestion - check notarisation authentication

latenitefilms opened this issue · comments

@cmsj - Apple's Notarisation service was buggy for the last 48 hours, and was basically just failing with a "internal server error". Eventually Apple acknowledged the issue, and have HOPEFULLY now fixed it. However what was annoying is that notarisation is obviously at the end of the build process. I wonder if it's worth adding an option to check that notarisation authentication is working, so that we can trigger that at the start of the build process? Maybe it could just trigger something like xcrun notarytool history -p notarytool_Notarize_Credentials --verbose --keychain-profile HAMMERSPOON_BUILDSH?

Of course, now that I've written this, I can probably just add that one line to my own build script, haha - but still, might be helpful for your own scripts?


Is this of interest @cmsj ?

Yes, that would be good for the ci_nightly job!