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streamRef->cfRunLoopSourceRef != NULL

latenitefilms opened this issue · comments

@cmsj - I just noticed this in our Xcode logs. Any ideas what it is?

2022-04-01 18:27:33.412827+1100 CommandPost[36600:839332] BREADCRUMB: destroyLuaState: 72036382-4556-4C5E-8C70-D31E45A11C93
2022-04-01 18:27:33.428013+1100 CommandPost[36600:839332] [client] streamRef->cfRunLoopSourceRef != NULL || streamRef->event_source != NULL(): failed assertion: Must call FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop() before calling FSEventStreamInvalidate()
2022-04-01 18:27:33.428073+1100 CommandPost[36600:839332] [client] streamRef->cfRunLoopSourceRef != NULL || streamRef->event_source != NULL(): failed assertion: Must call FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop() before calling FSEventStreamInvalidate()

Given this issue is so old, I'm going to close for now.