HaithemMosbahi / ngx-avatar

Universal avatar component for angular 2+ applications makes it possible to fetch / generate avatar from different sources

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isSource gives TypeError in Internet Explorer 11

fredriksundstrom opened this issue · comments

We have quite a few users in Internet Explorer 11 still and we started using ngx-avatar recently. We detected that it throws a typeerror on the isSource method:

return this.avatarSources.includes(source as AvatarSource);

We use the initials version only.

It pauses loading of polyfills which is a big deal with IE so ngx-avatar (or an error we did with ngx-avatar) is causing some issues. :)

TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'includes' at AvatarService.prototype.isSource ( at AvatarComponent.prototype.ngOnChanges ( at checkAndUpdateDirectiveInline ( at checkAndUpdateNodeInline ( at checkAndUpdateNode ( at debugCheckAndUpdateNode ( at debugCheckDirectivesFn ( at Anonymous function (Function code:34:5) at debugUpdateDirectives ( at checkAndUpdateView (

We use it just like this:

<ngx-avatar size="42" [name]="session.user.Name"></ngx-avatar> and <ngx-avatar size="48" src="{{ data.senderLogoImage }}"></ngx-avatar>

Any help would be appreciated!

That makes perfect sense, have you tried loading a polyfill on IE?