HaithemMosbahi / ngx-avatar

Universal avatar component for angular 2+ applications makes it possible to fetch / generate avatar from different sources

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Transitioning from ng1 using angular-avatar, handling ngUpgrade downgradeComponent situation

jpike88 opened this issue · comments

It's not immediately clear how to use this with ngUpgrade, as usually 3rd party components provide the component itself, not a module.

That way, I can use that component in entryComponents, and declare this code in my AppModule:

	public ngDoBootstrap() {
		angular.module('').directive('fields', downgradeComponent({
			component: FieldsComponent
		}) as angular.IDirectiveFactory);

I tried this PR (#48) but the problem is that if I export the component separately, it seems to be an issue:

Component is part of the declaration of 2 modules

How can I easily solve this?

Relevant PR?

I am not sure I understand the issue here ! This component was not implemented for ng1, it's for Angular 2+.
The pull request that you mentioned is meant for supporting Angular Elements and not NgUpgrade

angular-avatar is a completely different library

angular-avatar is a completely different library

I'm aware of that, just giving you background

This component was not implemented for ng1, it's for Angular 2+.

But you didn't implement a component, you implemented a module that exports a single component. This makes accessing the component directly for entryComponents to be impossible, unless I either:

  • make a supermodule for my app and ngx-avatar, and import both into that
  • Copy the entire codebase into our project, and sidestep avatar.module.ts ( we did this )


Zero ng1 knowledge is needed

I forked your demo, to show you... app.module.ts is all you need to look at:


I have a whole bunch of other 3rd party ng2 components doing this and they work fine, this is the only one that presents issues.

Now I understand the problem, the AngularComponent class is needed in order to be able to downgrade it and use it ing ng1.
I will export AvatarComponent class in the next version

fixed in version 3.5.0

Great, that does the trick. Thanks. Sorry false alarm