HaideiGV / todo_app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Backend Assignment: Simple Todos and Reminder API

The assignment involves the creation of a TODO and Reminder REST JSON API using Django. Please use the following libraries and versions:

  • Python 3.5+
  • Django 2.0+
  • Django Rest Framework 3.8+
  • Celery 4.1+

Updated @ Nov'18

Simple TODO API (1-3h)

Create a CRUD API for a simple TODO Management application. TODOs are organized in boards, on every board there can be multiple TODOs. A TODO contains a title (str), done (bool), a created (datetime) and updated (datetime) timestamp. A board has a name (str).

Via a REST API it must be possible to:

  • List all boards
  • Add a new board
  • Change a board's title
  • Remove a board
  • List all TODOs on a board
  • List only uncompleted TODOs
  • Add TODOs to a board
  • Change a TODOs title or status
  • Delete a TODO

User management and authentication is are required.


  • When listing all boards the JSON should have a todo_count field, but not the list of all todos
  • In the board's detail view all todos should be serialized and the todo_count should not be visible

Reminder API (1-2h)

Another endpoint should allow the user to set reminders. A reminder contains an email address, a reminder text and a delay in minutes when it will be triggered.

Via the REST API it must be possible to:

  • List all reminders
  • Create a new reminder
  • Remove a reminder

After the user provided delay the user should receive an email. If you don't want to work with email it's ok to replace the email address with a callback URL and to POST the serialized reminder to this URL.


Please use celery to implement the delayed execution.

How to work on the assessment

  • Clone this repository
  • Start working on the assignment
  • Please do periodic commits with meaningful commit messages
  • Once you are done push your final results
  • If you don't want to create a public repository please invite (@phelmig, @erzaehlsalex, @flore2003) to your working repository
  • Please include a brief description how to run your solution
  • If you have any questions contact us (jobs@rocketloop.de)

Please note that we don't accept solutions without periodic commits or if we are unable to execute the solution.

Steps to setup and run project

  • Create virtualenv and activate it
  • Install dependencies through running command pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python manage.py migrate
  • Execute python manage.py runserver for run local server.
  • Execute in new terminal celery -A todo worker -l info for running celery worker.
  • If you don't have account, go to the http://localhost:8000/api/signup/ for registration.
  • Open http://localhost:8000 and login.
  • On set reminder, result of sending email you can see in celery terminal as a message
    [2020-07-26 03:08:30,283: WARNING/ForkPoolWorker-8] Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Subject: [Reminder]
    From: noreply@example.com
    To: email_name@mail.com
    Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2020 03:08:30 -0000
    <Reminder text>


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%