Hacker0x01 / react-datepicker

A simple and reusable datepicker component for React

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Different styles for Up and Down arrows

abdulhadi-lababidi98 opened this issue · comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
In multiple places the color #fff is used in the library and there is no way to control that except of overriding the the CSS rule with some selectors and !important flag, which is not the best.
Some examples:

  • src/stylesheets/mixins.scss
%triangle-arrow-up {
  fill: $datepicker__background-color;
  color: $datepicker__background-color;
  stroke: $datepicker__border-color;

%triangle-arrow-down {
  fill: #fff;
  color: #fff;
  stroke: $datepicker__border-color;

So I'm wondering here why the fill and color are not the same for both up and down arrows?

  • Also in src/stylesheets/datepicker.scss you can find multiple examples like this:
.react-datepicker {
  background-color: #fff;

Describe the solution you'd like

  • For the first example src/stylesheets/mixins.scss I suggest removing the triangle-arrow-up and triangle-arrow-down mixins since we don't really need them anymore and the arrow style now is controlled by inline CSS.
  • For the second example my suggestion would be to add a SCSS variables and not relying on inlining the colors everywhere.

Additional Context

  • After the recent update the small triangle above/below the datepicker popup changed from being a div with the after and before pseudo-elements with a lot of CSS, To a simple SVG element. So I don't think we need the triangle-arrow-[up/down] mixins anymore

I have created PR #4561.
I have done about removing the mixin, but not about unifying the colors of up/down, because the current situation is correct.

スクリーンショット 2024-03-17 17 14 07
スクリーンショット 2024-03-17 17 14 11

Okay I see the misunderstanding here, for our use case we have dark theme, so having #fff as a fixed color defeats the purpose of using the scss variables. We control the styling by doing something like this:

$datepicker__background-color: var(--color-surface-2);

.react-datepicker {
    background-color: var(--color-surface-1);
    &__time-container .react-datepicker__time {
        background-color: var(--color-surface-1);

And it works perfectly when the date picker placement is on the bottom

but when it's on the top it switches to white (if I didn't write custom style for that)

And to fix the issue I had to write this custom styling:

.react-datepicker-popper[data-placement^='top'] .react-datepicker__triangle {
    fill: var(--color-surface-1);
    color: var(--color-surface-1);

So my suggestion is to add another scss variable called something like $datepicker__main-background-color to replace the fixed white color for the date picker
and in the src/stylesheets/datepicker.scss we can do:

.react-datepicker {
    background-color: $datepicker__main-background-color;
    &__time-container .react-datepicker__time {
        background-color: $datepicker__main-background-color;

I can open a new PR in my next iteration to make that happen, but I wanna make sure that I'm not missing something here. wdyt? @yuki0410-dev