HackathonHackers / personal-sites

List of Hackathon Hackers' personal sites.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dead/Spammy Links

dingwilson opened this issue · comments

Are there any plans to remove dead or spammy links? For example, Frank Cash's website does not work, and Emily Tran's website leads to a spam site for me.

If you see any (more) spammy links, just file an issue; I removed Emily Tran's website from the list and messaged her.

I'll ask Frank Cash about his site. I believe we used a tool in the past to purge dead domains, and we might want to use that again.

Achal Varma's website doesn't actually show anything aside from a generic "parked website" page.

Matthew Bucci's website is down

Su Min Kim's website is down

Checked all the personal websites and just made a pull request #633 to address this issue.

More websites that are down for me:

I'll just add more as I find them.

Surprised no one has created a CI hook/script to probe non-200 response codes for the URLs.

@joshuarli My pull request took them 1 year to respond to. I don't think they are even trying anymore.

Something like this might be cool: https://github.com/dkhamsing/awesome_bot

I know this is currently being used to check for dead links/redirections in several website list repos. It can be integrated with TravisCI, CircleCI, Danger, etc.

@binhonglee You're right, they ignored one of my PRs a month old and when I tried to email all the organization members asking if I could help maintain, I got no response.

Seems this org doesn't really care about this. Closing...