HackYourFuture / class23-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


elicarcar opened this issue · comments


User's Story
As a user, i would like to see the median rating of each product, rate the products that i find useful (or not useful) and see all the rated products on my account so that i know how much benefit i provided from this web app.

Plan for technical Implementation

  • Front-End
    1 - 5 Star rating possibility for each product if the user already purchased it.
    2 - Add average ratings to the home page.
    3- Show the exact amount of ratings on each product page.

  • Back-End
    1- Build another model called Ratings
    2 - Add ratings as a new value to Product model and pass Ratings model as a ref
    3 - Build api/ratings router for handling the data that comes from Rating Schema


  • Add google analytics if time is left.