HackYourFuture / class23-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


rabrad opened this issue · comments

User story
As a web app user, I want to search for products based on their category, so that I can see all similar products and choose the best one for me.

Plan for technical implementation:

  • Frontend
    1 - Add category select dropdown to the home page.
    2 - Add a pagination component to the filtered products.

  • Backend
    1 - Add category as new value to product schema with string type.
    For example: [decoration, lights, living room, bedroom]

2 - Add category field in Create page that user can choose category from limited options.

3 - Update the product detail API endpoint.

*** Update 1 ***

  1. Product schema has a category property now.

  2. Category Parameter (that is sent up from the client as part of a POST request) is added to post handler in Product api (handlePostRequest function).

  3. While creating page, user can choose a category options from the dropdown bar now .


  • The style of category fields in both create and home pages is updated.