HackSoftware / Django-Styleguide

Django styleguide used in HackSoft projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[0] is missing in _get_response_json_from_error_message

nico-deforge opened this issue · comments


First, thank you for your styleguide, it helps me to be a better Django developer.

I am particularly interest by your custom error formatter and I think i have found a bug.

I think [0] is missing in _get_response_json_from_error_message

It is not bas because it works but mypy raise an exception.

def _get_response_json_from_error_message(
self, *, message: str = "", field: Optional[str] = None, code: str = "error")
-> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]:
        response_data: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str]]] = {
            self.ERRORS: [{self.MESSAGE: message, self.CODE: code}]

        if field:
            response_data[self.ERRORS][0][self.FIELD] = field

        return response_data

If it could help you, i will be happy.

@nico-deforge Thanks for this!

To be honest, this error handling is a leftover artifact from older projects.

We need to step in & update it with what we are currently using.

So thanks for bringing this up, we should get up to speed.

Ok, I will be happy to discover what you are currently using because I like the way you are designing django apps :)