HabitRPG / habitica-ios

Native iOS app for Habitica

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

stats not being recorded correctly

rilygreat opened this issue · comments


The following lines help us find and squash the Bug you encountered. Please do not delete/change them.
iOS Version: 16.3.1
Device: iPhone XR
App Version: 3.7.3 (879)
User ID: 2107b306-d669-4599-b6c6-ff2c8e1e8425
Level: 143
Class: mage
Is in Inn: false
Uses Costume: true
Custom Day Start: 0
I noticed that after level 100, the intellect points that are added every 2nd level don't really work. This is easy to see by the fact that the maximum mana value does not increase and the damage against the boss does not increase, although I already have level 148 and I already got 24 points of intelligence after level 100, but these points are of no use.

they attached the following image:

this is their stats on web:
Screenshot 2023-07-06 at 3 34 19 PM


its looking like the app is continuing to 'add' stats after level 100. the max level stat should be 50 (half of your level up until 100, when it doesnt increase anymore).

this seems to just be a display bug tho? as the web is displaying the correct stats