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Performance 2022

rviscomi opened this issue Β· comments

Performance 2022

Performance illustration

If you're interested in contributing to the Performance chapter of the 2022 Web Almanac, please reply to this issue and indicate which role or roles best fit your interest and availability: author, reviewer, analyst, and/or editor.

Content team

Lead Authors Reviewers Analysts Editors Coordinator
@mel-ada @mel-ada @konfirmed @rviscomi @25prathamesh @estelle @konfirmed @25prathamesh @siakaramalegos - @foxdavidj
Expand for more information about each role πŸ‘€
  • The content team lead is the chapter owner and responsible for setting the scope of the chapter and managing contributors' day-to-day progress.
  • Authors are subject matter experts and lead the content direction for each chapter. Chapters typically have one or two authors. Authors are responsible for planning the outline of the chapter, analyzing stats and trends, and writing the annual report.
  • Reviewers are also subject matter experts and assist authors with technical reviews during the planning, analyzing, and writing phases.
  • Analysts are responsible for researching the stats and trends used throughout the Almanac. Analysts work closely with authors and reviewers during the planning phase to give direction on the types of stats that are possible from the dataset, and during the analyzing/writing phases to ensure that the stats are used correctly.
  • Editors are technical writers who have a penchant for both technical and non-technical content correctness. Editors have a mastery of the English language and work closely with authors to help wordsmith content and ensure that everything fits together as a cohesive unit.
  • The section coordinator is the overall owner for all chapters within a section like "User Experience" or "Page Content" and helps to keep each chapter on schedule.

Note: The time commitment for each role varies by the chapter's scope and complexity as well as the number of contributors.

For an overview of how the roles work together at each phase of the project, see the Chapter Lifecycle doc.

Milestone checklist

0. Form the content team

  • May 1: The content team has at least one author, reviewer, and analyst

1. Plan content

  • May 15 The content team has completed the chapter outline in the draft doc

2. Gather data

  • June 1: Analysts have added all necessary custom metrics and drafted a PR (example) to track query progress
  • June 1 - 15: HTTP Archive runs the June crawl

3. Validate results

  • August 1: Analysts have queried all metrics and saved the output to the results sheet

4. Draft content

  • September 1: The content team has written, reviewed, and edited the chapter in the doc

5. Publication

  • September 15: The completed chapter and all required metadata and figures are converted to markdown and submitted to GitHub
  • September 26: Target launch date πŸš€

Chapter resources

Refer to these 2022 Performance resources throughout the content creation process:

πŸ“„ Google Docs for outlining and drafting content
πŸ” SQL files for committing the queries used during analysis
πŸ“Š Google Sheets for saving the results of queries
πŸ“ Markdown file for publishing content and managing public metadata
πŸ’¬ #web-almanac-performance on Slack for team coordination

Hi, I'll like to be a Reviewer/Analyst in this chapter.

Hi, I'd like to be a co-author or reviewer.

HI, I am working in the web perf field for the past few years I like to be a co-author/reviewer/analyst.

Happy to help review/analyze data πŸ‘‹

Hey @morelme, would you be interested in taking the Chapter Lead role for the Performance chapter?

As the Chapter lead you'd be the primary author and the key person responsible for pulling the entire chapter together. Details on the role and commitment here

We'd love to have you πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰

Hey @foxdavidj, that sounds great - excited to be part of this!

Before we get too far into this process, I figured I would update my handle to reflect a recent name change (last name from Morel -> Ada after getting married). It sounds like GitHub doesn't update tags, so if you click on my old handle and get a 404, don't worry. I'm still here! @morelme -> @mel-ada :)
cc @foxdavidj

@mel-ada @konfirmed @25prathamesh @silent1mezzo could you all request edit access to the shared doc? I've added a few ideas for topics to cover but it'd be good to start iterating on it more collaboratively. And FYI we also have a #web-almanac-performance channel on Slack for higher bandwidth discussions.

@mel-ada @konfirmed @rviscomi @25prathamesh @silent1mezzo

Hey everyone, excited to see we've got a full team for the chapter!

To kick things off, I'd love to set up a 30 minute call within the next two weeks to put any new faces to names, and start the planning and brainstorming process.

@mel-ada as the Chapter Lead can you assist in finding a time that works for everyone? You can see my availability via my calendly here:

Also, here is an agenda for what we might want to discuss on the kickoff call:

@konfirmed @rviscomi @25prathamesh @silent1mezzo @foxdavidj

Sounds great, it looks like almost everyone is on Slack so let's talk schedules there. cc @silent1mezzo, who I'm not sure has had the chance to join Slack yet!

Welcome back @estelle, great to have you on board as a reviewer!

Hey @mel-ada, how are you feeling about completing the chapter outline by May 15th?

@foxdavidj Feeling good! During the kickoff, I think we had a good brainstorm that gave us a good pool of ideas to choose from. I'm hoping to meet as a team once more to discuss next week, if not we will finalize async.

I'm interested in helping, but I'm not quite sure what I'm signing up for yet :)

@mel-ada How are you feeling about the chapter outline? We're fast approaching the date where any new custom metrics need to be written, tested, and merged into the web crawler (May 27).

@mel-ada Looks like the outline is coming along nicely. Can you specifically mark/notate what metrics may require new custom metrics together with your analyst? The deadline for implementing and getting them approved is in a week and a half.

@foxdavidj apologies, just seeing these comments - I will know to keep a closer eye on comms via GitHub from now on.

Weekly Update

βœ… Outline:
The outline is in a good place - I would call this done.

🚧 Metrics List:
I'm going through the document this weekend to compile the list of metrics needed, identify which ones need to be added, and delegate the implementation and testing to team members. I have started a section in the document for the metrics list. I will lean on team mates with past HTTP Archive experience to verify the feasibility of any custom metrics. I understand that this is high priority and the deadline (5/27) is coming up.

No questions at the moment - but may reach out with specific metric questions if anything comes up!

Weekly Update

βœ… Metrics List:
This is complete in the planning doc. We worked together async to narrow down our list of metrics and identify custom ones. Then, I split the custom metrics up and assigned specific ones to our analysts for implementation. Rick even helped with a few (kudos)!

🚧 Custom Metrics:
We are working on hitting the hard deadline of 5/31 for custom metrics. You can follow along in the repository here. Prathamesh has several metrics in flight that will be added to a branch shortly, and I'll be jumping in to help with the remaining.

@konfirmed @25prathamesh @silent1mezzo Now that the crawl has started, please create a PR (example) to track the progress of writing the queries needed for the chapter.

Heads up to @mel-ada, as you'll likely be needed to confirm what needs to be queried

Weekly Update [For 6/3, belated]
βœ… Custom Metrics:
Merged, thank you again to Prathamesh & Rick for your help!

🚧 Non-Metric-Dependent Writing:
I'll be filling in some of the pieces of our chapter that aren't dependent on metrics - for example the CWV changelog timeline and some common causes of slow performance.

πŸ—’οΈ Team Update:
@silent1mezzo is stepping away this year - we are sad to see him go but wish him all the best!

This Upcoming Week
🚧 Queries:
I'll be looking to @konfirmed and @25prathamesh for the queries PR - please drop it here when it's created, and let me know if there's anything I can help with. See Metrics section of Planning Doc for notes on queries. @konfirmed, will you be able to take the lead on this?

Can i just say how much i love the emojis? I need to start using them for things like this myself

Weekly Update
🚧 Non-Metric-Dependent Writing:
Still cooking - didn't have as much time this week as I would have liked.

🚧 Queries:
I checked in with @konfirmed, who said he'd be able to take the lead on this. Keeping an eye out for a draft PR and any questions that may come up.

@konfirmed any update on the Query PR (example)?

Hello, what a time to be alive in the country that I live in! Here is an update:

🐒 Non-Metric-Dependent Writing:
CWV Timeline is coming along. I grabbed an infographic template from Canva and added HTTP archive's branding colors (via color picker from the site). I'll pause on adding in content until I have that finalized, but it's linked in the planning doc incase anyone wants to take a look.
I'm also adding some commentary that is very unfinished and unstructured at the moment but I feel will more or less evolve into the intro.

🚧 Queries:
I don't see updates on the PR, so I'll turn to @konfirmed for updates here. Since all metrics are due to be queried in less than a month, how are you planning on tackling this? Have you talked with @25prathamesh to divide up the work? Let me know if you need any help! Reminder that there are some notes in the planning doc for what queries for each metric might look like.

@mel-ada Could you link to the infographic you mentioned? Can't find it in the Google Doc. I might just be missing it though

@foxdavidj Here's the link. Disclaimer I am not a designer, would appreciate any design support if that's available to us! But doing what I can if not.

In the doc, it's easy to miss - this is a bullet point under 'Past: Core Web Vitals Rollout Timeline'.

Looks quite nice. @mel-ada Sounds like your plan to use that image in the chapter? To give a summary of the timeline?

@foxdavidj Yes, one of the things I didn't find in my research is a clear timeline of all things CWV release and I think it will be helpful for folks to visualize. I'm waiting until the timeline content is finalized to switch out placeholder text in the image with the real deal.

FYI, here's the list of Web Almanac colours in case you need them for your image:

  • Pale green - #a8caba - this is first colour used for desktop stats
  • Dark grey - #62718b - this is the second colour used for mobile stats. I think of it more as our primary colour over the green, despite - it being the second colour in our charts as we normally highlight mobile more than desktop.
  • Brown - #4a3244 - this one is quite dark so tend not to use it
  • Pale yellow - #ffe599
  • Pale blue - #9fc5e8
  • Pale orange - #f6b26b
  • Pale pink - #ea9999
  • Yellow - #ffd966
  • Blue - #6d9eeb
  • Green - #93c47d
  • Orange - #e69138
  • Red - e67c73
  • Yellow - fee48c
  • Amber = f6b26b

πŸ“† Upcoming Schedule
The final draft is due on Sept 1st, that's just around the corner!
Here's how I'm thinking about the time we have left. I have some dates I'll be unreachable at less-than-ideal times in terms of chapter deadlines, so I want to plan carefully.
cc @konfirmed @rviscomi @25prathamesh @estelle, please let me know how this timeline works for you, and comment with any times you'll be unreachable in the upcoming weeks.

8/1: Analysts will have implemented and ran all queries
8/8: I will finish rough draft, including metadata & figures
8/9 - 8/25: Reviewers work their magic ✨
8/20 - 8/21: I will have some time to start addressing feedback (won't have deep focus time until 8/25)
8/25 - 8/28: I will finish addressing feedback, get final draft ready for GitHub submission
9/1: I will submit final draft to GitHub

🚧 Queries:
I see some updates on the PR! @konfirmed, have you talked with @25prathamesh to divide up the work? See my availability below for when I can help.

πŸ“ Personal Availability:
Here are the days I'll have deep focus time for authoring the perf chapter. My commitment outside of these focus days is scoped to light communication and small edits/updates, pending availability.

Focus Days:

  • 7/22 (Friday) Finish non metric dependent writing
  • 8/5 (Friday) & 8/8 (Monday) Finish rough draft, including metadata, figures.
  • 8/25 (Thursday) & 8/26 (Friday) Addressing feedback, finishing touches, get final draft ready for submission on 9/1.

Days I'll be unavailable:

  • 7/28 (Thursday) - 7/31 (Sunday) This is immediately before the deadline for implementing & running all queries cc @25prathamesh @konfirmed. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help, as I'm only available to help this weekend 7/22.
  • 8/12 (Thursday) - 8/15 (Monday) I will not be able to address review/edit feedback during this time, and only expect to have time for light edits until my focus day 8/25.
  • 🚩9/2 (Thursday) - 9/11 (Sunday) With the final draft submitted to GitHub on 9/15, this means our goal is to wrap up the final draft, including figures, before 9/1.

@mel-ada Thanks for the terrific update!

@mel-ada Could you and your analysts (@konfirmed @25prathamesh) hop in the Query Draft PR and add a comprehensive list of all the queries you'd like to run?

If there are a lot of repeats from last year, we can help out by quickly re-running those

@foxdavidj I've added a list in the README here! I'll defer to @konfirmed and @25prathamesh on if there are similar queries in previous years' chapters.


πŸ€” Queries:
Queries were due today. Despite prompts here and on Slack, I haven't heard from @25prathamesh or @konfirmed in a while. I do see some activity on the queries PR, but I think it's safe to say this is running late. Analysts, please let us know the latest status and how I can help. Please note: a delay in queries/data could result in a delay of the rough draft - I'll need the data as soon as possible. See my above comment for a reminder of my availability.

@mel-ada I have completed the following queries,, my commit got rejected due to linting issue i will fix it

Web Getting Wrong

Gaming the Metrics (Custom)

  • Filtering for synthetic tests
  • LCP Animation & Overlay Hack
  • LCP Svg Overlay Hack
  • CLS Animation Hack
  • FID iFrame Hack

Antipatterns (Custom)

  • LCP Lazy Loaded

Antipatterns (Not Custom) is pending from my side

πŸ“† Timeline Update:
The rough draft will now be pushed back until 8/22 due to a delay in queries, and I can't commit to including/writing content for data that is missing as of today. This includes the following queries:

  • % of sites that are using priority as an attribute on LCP element
  • % of sites where the LCP is element is preloaded
  • LCP Element Resource Delay
  • TTFB by Category
  • Domain Sharding
  • FID Double Tap to Zoom Disabled
  • FID / INP Long Task Data (let's pick either FID or INP)

cc reviewers: @konfirmed @rviscomi @25prathamesh @estelle please see my availability above, as I will need to submit the final draft by 9/1.

Analysis PR is merged and the results are in the sheet. Over to @mel-ada to integrate with the draft.

Phew - the way our timeline played out is tight! This has required clear communication on availability and scope negotiation. We are working to deliver the best possible version of the perf chapter within the given constraints, and we've even had some additional help from @siakaramalegos as an analyst and co-author! πŸ™Œ

The draft is still in progress, see our slack channel for the latest. I've also created a placeholder draft markdown PR (linked above). I will wait to add content until final approval, but given my tight timeline of being unavailable starting 9/1, and needing to submit the final markdown version by then, I wanted to get branch going. I got a head start on some minor metadata updates. Should full markdown not be in by 9/1, @rviscomi has kindly offered to help out. Fingers crossed this isn't needed, but hard to say since it all depends on when reviewers/editors give final approval.