Utilizing BERT for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis via Constructing Auxiliary Sentence (NAACL 2019)

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No file named test_ep_4.txt

lakshmangude opened this issue · comments


I am able to train the model by using the readme.md instructions but facing an issue during evaluation saying error "No file named test_ep_4.txt"

I checked for that file but did not find it anywhere.

Please help me
Thanks in advance



"test_ep_4.txt" should be generated during the test procedure (line 405 of run_classifier_TABSA.py).

  1. Check if there are several (number = epoch) .txt files in the output_dir.
  2. If no, check if you have used "--eval_test" in the training command we provided.
  3. If you do have used "--eval_test", I think the test procedure was not successful (or complete), and you should run the training command again.