HSF / tools

Common HSF Tools (including the software package template)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vendor gtest in template or use catch?

drbenmorgan opened this issue · comments

The template project uses find_package(gtest) for locating tests, but the recommendation by the guest developers is to vendor it in the client project. Should the template project thus include a vendored copy of gtest? This appears to be pretty straightforward - just copy the sources in, add a library target, link tests to it.

The other option would be to use the catch framework, which appears to provide very similar functionality, and can be used a a single header file.

Copying in would make it rather heavy. Catch seems a good one indeed. I wouldn't object moving to that one instead. Do you have hands-on experience with it?

I've used Catch in a postgrad teaching course with good experience and feedback, so I feel it's a good one for projects to start with, especially at this template level.

I can't speak for whether it offers greater or lesser features than other frameworks, but I guess that's more a task for documentation.

thanks. skimming what I could find it looks nice for small projects. Could you make a pull request to show how it would look like in this concrete case?

I played a little bit with catch and I in the meantime migrated two projects to using it. Really nice and lightweight

Marking this as closed as Catch was integrated in PR #9