HRNet / HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation

The OCR approach is rephrased as Segmentation Transformer: This is an official implementation of semantic segmentation for HRNet.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

mIou=0.5 bestIou=0.5 when val

shantzhou opened this issue · comments

the valid miou=0.5 best_iou = 0.5 when I train my own dataset in every epoch

Follow these steps.
Label file should not contain any value greater than classes-1.
Classes should be mentioned in config file.
you should update "self.label_mapping = {-1: ignore_label, 0: 0, 1: 1}" in the dataset/

Try using cityspaces with same configuration.

If your training is successful, kindly create another issue for validation.

Follow these steps. Label file should not contain any value greater than classes-1. Classes should be mentioned in config file. you should update "self.label_mapping = {-1: ignore_label, 0: 0, 1: 1}" in the dataset/

excuse me,I encountered the same problem mentioned above and followed your steps, but the problem still occurred. the valid miou=0.5 best_iou = 0.5 when I train my own dataset in every epoch