HJLebbink / asm-dude

Visual Studio extension for assembly syntax highlighting and code completion in assembly files and the disassembly window

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Feature request: Dump Memory and Stack Frame

matt-elson opened this issue · comments

  1. Disassembly Window in VS
    When selecting one address, can the values of the address be dumped in Memory Window?
    e.g., suppose that the following code in Disassembly Window
    004717D3  mov        eax,dword ptr [047A138h]  
    004717D8  add         eax,1  
    004717DB  mov        dword ptr [047A138h],eax  
When the address "047A138h" is selected, and  context menu has "dump memory", then the
 the values of the address be dumped in Memory WindowX (X stands for 1-4).
  1. Stack(not call stack)
    When debugging a program, I often need check stack frame.
    I use Memory2 to display the values of stack(Memory2: Address=ESP(or RSP), Columns=4, Reevaluate Automatically)
    so can the extension add the following feature:
    the current ESP and EBP(or RSP, RBP) are highlighted in different color, and the current stack frame is contained in a vertical bar.
   |-  0x0014F728  95 1a 97 00  ?.?.  <==ESP
   |   0x0014F72C  72 ce a2 c0  r???
   |   0x0014F730   00 00 00 00  ....
   |- 0x0014F734   00 00 00 00  ....   <==EBP

Hi Matt,

Realise that asm-dude is an extension that only adds some color to text views and that adds some functionality (such as code completion and signature help) to the text editor. It has no connection to a assembler or debugger. The debugger in VS is notoriously old and poorly documented; getting the syntax coloring in the disassembly windows was a horror tour simply because nobody knew how to do it.

Those two features do indeed sound useful, but sadly, I don't know how to retrieve the needed information from the VS debugger. I'll put them on the todo list.