HJLebbink / asm-dude

Visual Studio extension for assembly syntax highlighting and code completion in assembly files and the disassembly window

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I get a message "unable to load some file or other in the output window of VS2019 when working in 64bit asm

chopperaddict opened this issue · comments

I get a message "unable to load some file or other in the output window of VS2019 when working in 64bit asm, and then VS hangs totally, requiring me to use taskmon to close it down.

I like the product, it is very helpful as I am learning ASM, but have had to disable it due t this constant hanging problem.

The project I am using only has a dummy (totally blank) CPP file, and Main is declared in my ASM file.

I hope you can fix this soon ??

If I can reproduce this behaviour I guess I can fix it. Having said that, AsmDude does not write in the output window. So I'm not sure what causes this.

More info on this - taken from the Output window of VS2019 - honestly !!

| _ |___ _____ | \ _ _ | |__
| |_ -| | | | | | | . | -|
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INFO: Loaded AsmDude version (29/09/2019 19:26:34)
INFO: Open source assembly extension. Making programming in assembler almost bearable.
INFO: More info at https://github.com/HJLebbink/asm-dude

ERROR: AsmDudeToolsStatic:GetFilename; could not get filename within timeout 200 ms
ERROR: AsmDudeToolsStatic:GetFilename; could not get filename within timeout 200 ms
WARNING: LabelGraph:Get_Filename: no filename for id=80 (fileId 0; line 80)
WARNING: LabelGraph:Get_Filename: no filename for id=81 (fileId 0; line 81)
WARNING: LabelGraph:Get_Filename: no filename for id=81 (fileId 0; line 81)

Hope this helps you identify what the problem is ? My system crashes with this about every 20 minutes or so... VS20190 locks basically. I just had it lock so that using the mouse or nav keys in an asm files moved the current line "highlight bar, but NOT the caret - most strange, it had died of course...,.

ERROR: AsmDudeToolsStatic:GetFilename; could not get filename within timeout 200 ms
ERROR: AsmDudeToolsStatic:GetFilename; could not get filename within timeout 200 ms

Wow, it just produced the first 2 error lines as above immediately on loading my very small 150 line asm file

  • clean machine, 16GB Ram, I7 Proc running at 4790MHz,, 980 graphics card....... pretty high spec.

Sorry to be a pain, but I am sure you would like to sort this out. Something else just happened after working in my asm file for about 20 minutes, , VS2019 popped up a LOW MEMORY warning, and disabled some functionality. It says this can happen if my memory drops below 200Mb. Well, I have one very small asm file running in a 16GB memory. Little else is running, just a browser, 1 File Explorer, and the usual dross that all Win systems run in background, but Taskmon shows me that VS2019 is actually reporting using 2,539 MB of memory - holy cow, my asm file is 100 lines long, with lots of comment lines, so that aint what is causing the dramatic memory usage for sure ???

Output window shows 👍

Hope this points you in the correct direction. I cannot think it is anything else but AsmDude ???? If I disable it, I do not get these issues ?, even running a very large C## application I am writing with 100 source files, endless classes, events, delegates etc., which I might expect to use loads of memory, especially when I use SQL to load 5000 row Dbs one after the other in to gridviews.

FYI I used to be, before retirement, a raw C developer of many years standing, so I do understand Windows, compilations, linkers etc pretty well, so you can talk "technical" to me if needed for more research into this at my end.

Last comment for today my friend - I have been working on my uber large C# application for the last hour or so, VS reports a maximum memory usage of around 1,500Mb, even with SQL Server involved, It also reports only 58% of the memory Windows is using from my 16GB of RAM used. So the memory issue really does seem to point to your end ??? I promise I will not report again until I get a response back from you :-))

Its a new day my friend, and I have a little more info for you. I have been working all day on my large C# app, no problems, Resharper enabled etc, Even when hitting SQL queries really hard, memory use never exceed 1500Mb or so.

But his evening, I decided to try my ASM system again. I DISABLED Resharper to save considerable memory, started my little asm program up, tried one compilation - got errors, went to make changes in the code and suddenly - Crash, it froze with a very solid bar style caret locked in position and VS with its little "frames" around the windows - showing it is "out of here" basically. I brought up task manager, and soon noticed that while I sat watching , memory usage was incrementing hand over fist, 10Kb or so at a time. It didn't recover after 5 minutes, so I crashed it out with Taskmon, as I usually have to do.

So, Memory is being "eaten" by something, and any inter - reaction with resharper clearly ain't the source of the problem ?

On loading the little asm app, the VS output window showed your banner, plus a message re not opening a file in time..

This "seems" to be the root of where the problems lie IMHO ? but then again, I am sure you will prove me wrong #- :-))

Have a great weekend.......

Could you share the asm source file? which settings you are using? did you enable assembly simulator?