HDInnovations / UNIT3D-Community-Edition

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[Request] allow users to to gift rewards/medals to other members

timmy171297 opened this issue · comments

For example, a power user could entail receiving a special reward or medal, which would then be displayed on their profile. Similarly, staff members might award a medal or commendation for outstanding contributions or uploads.

Users could choose from a selection of custom medals added by the UNITED, or even create their own. (both would adding a custom text on hover over to say what it was for) These medals would be linked to their profile similar to achievements, appearing in the same size and neatly organized manner.

I believe this would greatly enhance the sense of community spirit/love on our websites as well!

It's probably best for a super user+ above, if possible. And of course, an option to remove medals could be necessary if they were offensive or abused.

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@timmy171297 I have thought about doing something like this. For starters would be staff can create badges in staff dashboard with fad icon, icon colors, title and description. Then staff can apply/remove the badges to users which would display on their profile. Then down road could be extended to users gifting badges. That being said this is a whole new system so I will entertain it if there is enough interest/support from community. Until then there is more important things.


Image from Gyazo

That looks great.