HDInnovations / UNIT3D-Community-Edition

Private Torrent Tracker Built With Laravel, Livewire and AlpineJS.

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[Request] Feature Torrent(s) = Uploader Notification

LilTorrio opened this issue · comments

So, for this one, I wanted to kinda "maximize" the "featured torrents", well, feature lol. What I had in mind, was that when an Admin/Mod or whoever has the liability for the requisite site decides to anoint a torrent as "featured", once that torrent is deemed as "featured" the uploader of that said torrent would then receive a notification next to their "Bell" icon, letting them know that their file has been "featured". In doing so, I think this would help promote longer/continuous seeding and or re-seeding; by letting the original uploader know that the file is "featured" -- which would likely coincide with Freeleech, 2x credit, etc. -- would likely compel them to continue seeding a file that they might not have consider seeding for that long, and or re-seed a file that they had long abandoned and was no longer actively seeding.

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I honestly thought this feature was already added, but it's a good one, And, I believe members would appreciate receiving notifications or private messages about their uploads being featured. It could be a simple addition for the coders. Thanks!"