HBiSoft / PickiT

An Android library that returns real paths from Uri's

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Problems with naming files from google drive. Not supported yandex disk.

pavelperc opened this issue · comments

Your lib has some problems with getting the name of file from google drive. It always named as "tempFile" with no extension. Also when picking files from YandexDisk drive (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.yandex.disk&hl=en) it returnes wasSuccessfull false and reason "column '_data' does not exist". Also I would prefer to store files in external cache directory.

I didn't change the lib, but here is some code how I fixed both problems on my device:

    public void PickiTonCompleteListener(String path, boolean wasDriveFile, boolean wasUnknownProvider, boolean wasSuccessful, String Reason) {
        if (!wasSuccessful) {
            String name = getFileName(originalFileUri);
            File file = new File(getExternalCacheDir(), name);
            try {
                saveFile(getContentResolver().openInputStream(originalFileUri), file);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            path = file.getPath();
        else if (wasDriveFile) {
            String name = getFileName(originalFileUri);
            File newFile = new File(getExternalCacheDir(), name);
            File oldFile = new File(path);
            path = newFile.getPath();

// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5568874/how-to-extract-the-file-name-from-uri-returned-from-intent-action-get-content
private String getFileName(Uri uri) {
        String result = null;
        if (uri.getScheme().equals("content")) {
            Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null);
            try {
                if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                    result = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME));
            } finally {
        if (result == null) {
            result = uri.getPath();
            int cut = result.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (cut != -1) {
                result = result.substring(cut + 1);
        return result;

private void saveFile(InputStream input, File file) {
        // todo: just saves the file

Please check the latest release - https://github.com/HBiSoft/PickiT/releases/tag/0.1.9

I tested with Yandex and it is working. The name will now be the same as the original file, this should also include the file extension (if it is available). Please have a look at this - https://stackoverflow.com/a/53132045/5550161

I will be closing this issue, please open it again if you have any issues.

@HBiSoft I'm sorry. I used 1.0.8. I will check 1.0.9. Please, update the description on android-arsenal.

I have no control over what is shown on android arsenal. If you want to know when the library has updated, you can "watch" it.